“It’s better than Shitstain!”
“Okay, fine. You can name him whatever you want, but he stays outside. And if he gets in my garbage...”
“You’re not shooting him,Charles.”
Hearing her say my name, even with sass, got me right in the gut, and there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to hear it again—even if that meant putting up with a damn cat. “Fine, I won’t shoot the damn thing, but I’m not promising that I won’t put a boot in his ass.”
“You’re terrible.”
“Says the woman who nearly beat the neighbor to death.”
“I did no such thing!”
“Maybe not, but you roughed her up pretty good.” I chuckled as I teased, “Bet she’s still trying to get the tangles out of that hair.”
“Stop.” She giggled. “It’s not nice to make fun of the less fortunate.”
“Less fortunate?”
“Well, I am the one lying here in this bed next to you.”
“And you think that makes you fortunate?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“You keep talking like that, and we’ll never get to that pizza and wine.”
“I’d be okay with that.”
She gave me one of her smiles, and that’s all it took.
The pizza and wine would just have to wait.
“You lied.”
“About what?”
My brother’s brows furrowed with anger.“You and Wrath.”
“I didn’t exactly lie. I just said it wasn’t what you thought.”
“But it was what I thought! You are fucking around with him!”
“It’s not like that, Wyatt.”
I’d woken up feeling a little off-center. I’m not sure why. Things were going great with me and Wrath. I should’ve been on cloud nine, but I wasn’t. I was consumed with doubt and in need of a little guidance, so I decided to pay Wyatt a visit.
I knew the second I walked into his office that he wasn’t in a good mood, but it was even worse than I thought. I didn’t want to make matters worse by spouting off, so I remained calm and rational as I told him, “I really like him, and I’m pretty sure he feels the same way about me.”
“You gotta know better than that,” he grumbled under his breath. “Wrath doesn’t feel anything for anyone.”
“If you truly think that, then you don’t know him at all.”