Page 35 of Wrath

I rammed the scalpel deep into his thigh and gave it a twist. He hissed through clenched teeth, then held his breath until I finally withdrew the blade. “You were there for him.”

“Why I was there is irrelevant. I want to know why you were there.”

I continued working on the pellets, focusing more on the deeper ones. I knew they would cause him more pain, and I hoped it would be enough to get him to quit with the run-around.




“You’re making a mistake.” He turned to look at the two-way mirror as he said, “You should’ve never gotten involved. It’s going to cost you. It’s going to cost all of you.”

“Quit with the fucking games and tell me who you’re working for.”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

I didn’t do threats, especially when they involved my brothers. I took the blade and stabbed it into the thick of his thigh. He gasped, and before he had a chance to recover, I clenched my hand into a fist and slammed it into his face. I hit him square in the jaw, sending his head flailing back, then I hit him again and again.

He was barely conscious when I grabbed a tuft of his hair and gave it a hard tug, forcing him to look up at me as I asked, “Who hired you?”

“Fuck you.”

“I’m just going to keep at it until you answer.”

“I’m not answering shit.”

“I’m getting fucking tired of this bullshit.”

I grabbed the end of the chain that held his hands over his head and gave it a pull, forcing him to his feet. Unable to stand the pressure, he lifted his foot and cursed, “Fuck.”

“You can end this right now. All you have to do is tell me who hired you.”

“Not gonna happen.”

I was growing frustrated and feared I might lose control when the door opened, and Stitch and Cotton walked in with Bruton. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. No outsiders were ever allowed in the playroom, but there he was in his fucking khaki pants and sweater vest.

Stitch and Cotton remained in the doorway while Bruton walked over to us. He shook his head and sighed. “Javier Navarro.”

“You know this guy?”

“I never had the immense pleasure of meeting him personally, but I know all about him.” Bruton stepped in front of Javier as he continued, “He’s a hitman for the cartel. One of the best I’ve ever seen.”

“The cartel?”

“The last I heard, he was on the Demarco payroll.”

“Demarco?” Cotton turned to Stitch, then back to Bruton. “As in Robert Demarco?”

“Hmmm, I'm pretty sure Robert is no longer with us.” Bruton gave Cotton a knowing look, then continued, “But his brothers, Antonio and Miguel, are alive and well. They moved to the States a few weeks after their brother’s disappearance and proceeded to take over his business dealings.”

“Fuck, how did we miss that?”

“Because these men are good at what they do. It’s why I chose to work with them.”

“They were your supplier?”

“They were.” He turned to look at Cotton as he announced, “I would guess they weren’t pleased that I chose to cut ties with them and sent Javier to take back my last shipment.”