“At this hour?” His brows furrowed. “You could’ve just called Stitch. He could’ve gotten one of the prospects to bring it over to ya.”
“It’s not a big deal. I’ll just grab it and go.” The voices down the hall grew louder, and I wished desperately to know what was being said. I motioned my hand towards the bar as I asked him, “Is everything okay?”
“Nah, but it will be.” He glanced back over his shoulder, then said, “I better get back in there. Just holler if you need help with anything.”
“Will do.”
I watched as he turned and headed back to the bar. Once I was certain he was gone, I continued down the hall to Wrath’s room. Even though I knew he wasn’t in there, I tapped on the door and waited a moment. When no one answered, I opened the door and stepped inside.
It was strange. I’d spent the better part of my life at the clubhouse, but I’d never stepped foot in Wrath’s room. It was surprisingly inviting. It had the typical desk in the corner with a laptop and a lamp, and there was a flatscreen mounted on the wall. He had a tan, fluffy comforter and huge pillows. I sat down on the edge of the bed and shook my head.
I didn’t know what I was doing there.
We had an agreement, and my being in his bedroom was going against everything we’d agreed to. But after that phone call, I felt this unexplainable need to be close whenever he returned, and this was about as close as I could get.
I curled up into a ball and placed my head on one of his pillows, and it wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep. And when I awoke, my life would change in ways I couldn’t begin to imagine.
“You getting close?”
“Yeah, I’m about forty-five minutes out. Maybe less.”
“Good. How you making it?”
“I’m hanging in.” There was something about his tone that led me to ask, “Why? Is something up?”
“Stitch just got a call from Mia.” The mention of Mia’s name brought a knot to my throat. “She told him you two were talking, and something happened. Apparently, she was worried something was wrong.”
“Oh, it was nothing. I was trying to get off the phone with her when I saw that I was running low on fuel.”
“That was it?”
“That was it,” I assured him. “I’m gonna stop in Leland and fill up.”
“Okay. Sounds good.” I could hear the concern in Cotton’s voice as he said, “You haven’t seen any sign of the guy?”
“Nah. I’m pretty sure he’s long gone. You guys been able to find out anything about him?”
“We’re looking into it.” He hesitated for a moment, then added, “Bruton seems to think he’s a hired gunman, but he’s no clue who hired him or why.”
“Whoever hired him knew what they were doing. Fuck. This guy is a real psychopath.”
“Certainly sounds that way which is why I want you to hurry up and get your ass home.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
Cotton ended the call, and I carried on with my drive. It was getting late, and without the adrenaline rushing through my veins, I was starting to wear down. I tried to keep my focus on the road ahead, but it wasn’t long before my mind drifted to Mia.
She’d surprised me when she called. She’d surprised me even more when she called Stitch to tell him she was worried about me. The whole ‘worried about me’ bit was hard to swallow. I was used to Liv and Hadley fretting over me and even Clutch from time to time, but they were family. Their worry was expected.
Mia’s wasn’t.
We’d basically grown up in the clubhouse together, and we knew everything about each other. She knew about my parents' murder. She knew how it had fucked me up, and while she didn’t know all the details, she knew my stint overseas hadn’t helped matters. I knew she was Stitch’s one and only daughter. I knew he adored her and watched over her like a hawk. I also knew it wasn’t necessary. Mia was strong and independent—just like her father.
She’d always been amicable towards me—almost overly so, but I didn’t consider myself special. She was like that with everyone, but she’d never shown any real interest in any of the brothers—not like she’s shown for me. I didn’t know if I should be flattered or pissed. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to dwell on it.