Page 24 of Wrath

“No, I ah... I was just going to ask you about the fan.”

“What about it?”

“Did you happen to come by my place today and fix it?”

“I might’ve.”

“Oh.” I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about him taking the time to find the perfect fan and my exact pillows. “Well, thanks. I appreciate it.”

“No problem.” I could hear some kind of commotion in the background, followed by Wrath shouting, “Goddammit.”

The line immediately went dead, and I was left wondering if something terrible had happened to him. I sat there for a moment, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Fearing it might make a bad situation worse, I decided not to call him back and called my father instead. His phone rang twice, and then he answered, “Sorry, Hun, but it’s not a good time.”

“So I’ve heard.”


“I was just talking to Wrath, and...”

“You were talking to Wrath?” he asked, sounding surprised. “When?”

“Just now... I think something was wrong. Something might’ve happened to him.”

“We’re aware of the situation.”

“So, somethingdid happen.”

“Didn’t say that.” He let out an aggravated breath, then snapped, “I don’t have time for this, Mia.”

“I just wanna know if he’s in danger.”


“I know you can’t tell me what’s going on. I get that. I’m not asking for details.” It surprised me how panicked I felt. I knew I was interested in Wrath and that I was attracted to him. I didn’t realize that I truly cared about him until I told my father, “I just need to know that he’s going to be okay.Can you please just tell me that?”

“What is going on with this?”

“Dad, just tell me.”

“It’s Wrath. Of course, he’s gonna be okay.”

“That’s all I needed to hear. Thanks, Dad.”

I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed next to me. I curled up to my pillow and stared off into the darkness. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn’t shake the worry that had settled into my bones. I tossed and turned, but it was no use. There was only one way I was going to get rid of the uneasy feeling. I had to find out for certain whether or not Wrath was really okay.

I tossed the covers back and got out of bed. I threw on some sweats, grabbed my keys, and ran downstairs to my car. Seconds later, I was on my way to the clubhouse. As I drove, I tried not to think about Wrath and all the potential dangers that could await him.

It wasn’t easy.

I knew life for the brothers was dangerous. I’d seen it for myself. I’d been to the funerals. I’d watched them mend their wounds after a horrible battle. It was the memories of those times that had my imagination running wild. I kept conjuring up these vivid scenarios of trouble and harm befalling Wrath. They’d flicker through my mind like a relentless slideshow, each image more distressing than the last.

I tried to remind myself that Wrath was strong and resilient, but with every passing mile, my anxiety grew more intense, fueling my determination to get to the clubhouse as quickly as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity, I could see the familiar silhouette of the Fury clubhouse emerging in the distance. Seconds later, I whipped through the gate and parked by the back door. I took a deep breath, then got out of the car and started inside. I could hear some of the guys talking in the bar and several others talking down the hall. I didn’t want to draw their attention, so I tried to be quiet as I started walking down to Wrath’s room.

I hadn’t gotten far when I heard Rooster call out, “Mia? What are you doing here?”

“I ah...” I didn’t want him or any of the brothers to know that I was there because of Wrath, so I lied, “I left something in my room. I just came by to grab it.”