I don’t respond.

I think a part of me is frozen on the spot.

I knew Zuko was a little crazy. I mean, I’m not dumb. But holy shit.

“Trouble…” He hands the gun to Kenzo. Kenzo takes it and slides it into his waistband.

“Is that why you didn’t want head? You didn’t want me to see the gun?” I ask him stunned and my mind going completely blank from what just happened, referring to our moment in the bathroom, but a small part of me is wondering if he really said no earlier because he was hiding his gun from me.

Someone coughs, and someone sounds like they are choking as he reaches for me and pulls my hands down from my head.

“Yes, you would have freaked.”

“You’ve done worse to me with a knife,” I remind him.

He smirks and cups my face. “Ready to go home?”

“Home,” I say, and he stands, offering me his hand again. I take it. And I wonder if I will take it for the rest of my life. I keep on taking his hand, even knowing who he is, and I wonder why.

“Oh, don’t worry. You know we’ll clean up your mess,” Kyson says sarcastically.

“I already ordered the cleaners,” Zuko replies as the doors open, and men enter dressed in hazard suits with gurneys. “I’m taking Alaska home.”

I offer a small wave, unsure of what else to do, and walk out, not looking back.

As soon as we’re in the car, he drives off.

A few miles down the road, he pulls up to a drive-thru and orders us two burgers with fries. My mouth starts to water as soon as I smell the food.

“You didn’t eat,” he says, passing me the food. I grab out my burger, then unwrap his, handing it to him as he drives.

“Neither did you.”

“I’m sorry about the dress,” he tells me before biting into his burger.

I get a warm feeling in my chest, thinking about those lips and that mouth, and about how only hours earlier they were bringing me pleasure.

And then those words.

He thinks he loves me.

Sure, men have said,“oh God, I love you,”as we fuck. But the words held no weight when they said them. The words never had true meaning until tonight.

Until him.

“I can wash it.”

“No, it will have to be destroyed,” he states. “But I’ll buy you a new one.”


I take a bite of my burger as we pull up to my place. We sit in the car and eat in silence until we’re both full.

When we’re done, I turn to face him.

“I don’t think anyone around you likes me,” I say nervously.

“That doesn’t matter.”