I lower to the floor and crawl over to her until I’m at her back. She’s wrapped in nothing but a big, fluffy towel. Not able to resist touching her, I place my hand on her bare shoulder and slide my fingers over her smooth skin.

“We can’t have sex. That will require me having a shower after, and I can’t get my hair wet,” she says as my lips touch her neck. She visibly shivers at my kiss, and the brush she was using to apply her makeup pauses an inch away from her face. “Zuko,” she says in a breathless whisper. “You don’t want me to make you late, and this will definitely make us late.”

“Mm-hmm…” is all I can think of as a response.

I reach in front of her and undo the knot in the towel, letting it drop to her lap. I see the top of her ass and am happy to report she is not wearing underwear. When I check over her shoulder into the mirror, I see her eyes darken. She uncrosses her legs, and my eyes pan down her reflection, taking in all of her. And she is beautiful. My hand slides up and grips the back of her neck, pulling her backward until she’s lying on the floor. I stand, hovering over her, and slide up my sleeves as I stare down at her.


“Watch me in the mirror,” I demand.

She nods, and I get down on my hands and knees in front of her. She pushes up to her elbows and turns to look at the mirror as my mouth lands on her clit. She jolts a little before she relaxes.

My mouth starts to move, and I push her leg down that’s closest to the mirror so she can see from every angle just how much I love tasting her. My tongue works her clit, dipping lower so she can feel it everywhere. When she starts to squirm, I slip a finger inside her, and she pulses around me as I add another, never once slowing my mouth.

“Zuko…” My name comes out on a moan.

“Hmm…” I hum, then ever so slowly swirl my tongue in circles around her clit while she wriggles, screams, and bucks into my mouth.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she yells as I feel her come.

“No, it’s Zuko, Zuko, Zuko,” I correct her, pushing my fingers in deeper. I pull away as she closes her legs around my face, too sensitive now for further touch, and offer her my hand. She takes it, and I help her sit up so she doesn’t hurt her belly.


“Yes, you can call me God, but I do prefer my name uttered from those lips,” I tell her, rubbing them with the fingers that were just inside of her. She opens her mouth, and I lean forward and kiss her. She groans as I palm one of her breasts, squeezing her nipple. I pull back, and she graces me with a slow smile.

“You need to get ready.” I stand, and she turns back to the mirror, leaving her towel where it is. When I look down at her, I see her swollen lips—not the ones I just kissed, the ones I tasted.

“Can you grab my dress from the closet?” she asks as she resumes applying her makeup. “Or would you prefer my lips to go around your cock before I put on lipstick?” She raises a brow.

“I’ll wait until after. I’d rather you stain my cock with those luscious lips.” She grins, happy with my response, as I retrieve her dress. She applies her lip gloss and then stands. I unzip the dress, and she steps into it, shimmying it up her waist, then slides her arms into the lace sleeves before turning around for me to zip it up.

“Is black the theme for tonight?” she asks.


“It must be one of your parties, for sure.” She giggles.

“It is my party,” I inform her.

Her eyes go wide. “What? Is it really?”

“Yes. It was my idea when I was first introduced into this world to meet those who would likely one day be my competition. But what it turned out to be was a way to make contacts. When they can’t do the job, they come to me.”

She shakes her head.

“Um… Wow, okay.” Grabbing her sky-high heels from the floor at the foot of the bed, I kneel down and slide them on for her, so she doesn’t have to bend.

“Do you plan to wear any panties?”

“Nope.” She smiles happily. “Will that be an issue?”

“Well, as long as no one else knows, I don’t see an issue.” I shrug.

“Good, because I wasn’t going to wear any even if it was.” She turns, grabs her purse, and heads to her bedroom door.

“Do you plan to eventually get your own place?” she asks.