Talk about ew.

His belly is hanging over his pants, his hair is half missing, his teeth need a good brush with an angle grinder, and he stinks.

The rest, I can deal with.

I’ve fucked a cuddly teddy bear before, and he was the best man to ever give me head.The. Best.

But someone who stinks and has bad breath?That’s a hard no.

I wouldn’t say I’m all that picky.

But I do have standards, and I know what I want.

I don’t want commitment.

I want a man who will throw me against the wall and fuck me good and hard.

This man cannot do that.

Of that, I am sure.

“I’m good, but thanks anyway.” I give my best smile as I turn to leave. He reaches for me again, and I manage to sidestep him as I shift away from their booth. Just as I reach the bottom of the steps with tray in hand, I slam into a hard body. When I peek up, the man from Louise’s table who asked my name is standing before me. He reaches out and steadies me, his hand gripping my waist, so I don’t fall. As soon as I’m stable, his hand drops away from my body like it felt wrong to touch me.

It didn’t.

Not for me anyway.

“Sorry, didn’t see you there.” I smile at him. He stares past me and says nothing, then his jaw locks in a hard glare before those green eyes find mine. Seeing him this close with only a tray between us, I notice the flecks of gold in his eyes.

Those eyes—they stare straight through you.


If I were a smart woman, I would look away.

But I live on the edge, and he seems like a man it would be fun to annoy, and despite all the warnings I have received I just can’t help myself with him.

I go to wonder why, but instantly ignore that feeling and smile up at him.

“Do you plan to just stand there, or do you intend to move?” I ask as he continues staring at me.

He doesn’t bother moving out of my way.


I go to move around him, and he shoots an arm out to stop me.

“Alaska?” he asks. I’m not sure if it was a question, but that voice.

Why does it do something to me?

I’m used to hearing all kinds of men speak. After all, it’s what I do for my other job.

But his voice…

“We asked for you. Serve us!” He strides off, looking back over his shoulder before he gets back to his table. The tables have some privacy, but not a lot. They have a full view of the dance floor and small separators in the middle, with steps that lead to where they are seated. His table is about three away from my main table, and from a side view, I guess he could see me from where I was.

Managing to paste a pleasant expression on my face, I make my way to his table. Louise is already standing there, trying to pour them drinks, but none of them are paying her any attention. I grab the bottle from her, and she blows out a relieved breath, then leans up and kisses me on the cheek before she turns and runs off.