“It’s beautiful, especially considering how much you hate shopping. You chose well.”

“It’s nothing special. I did it online,” he replies, carrying the other garment bag, which I assume to be his suit, to the couch. He places it down and grabs something before he heads to the shower. I hear the water turn on, and it takes everything in me not to go and join him. Instead, I sit there finishing my breakfast and staring at the dress.

When I hear the shower turn off, I look up to watch him walk out with a towel around his waist.

“I’ve asked your friend to come over and stay with you. I have to do some work today.”

“What type of work?” I ask suspiciously.

“I need to close a few accounts.” He winks, slipping on a black T-shirt before he drops his towel and picks up his black jeans, sliding them up his legs. He pulls on his boots and picks up his phone before he saunters over to where I’m still seated at the counter.

“Have you ever killed anyone you know for money?” I ask.

He doesn’t hesitate when he answers, “Yep.”

“What if you got a hit on me? Would you do that?”

“It’s not so much hits we deal with. We hunt what others can’t find, and we always find what we are after.”

“Sounds so scary.”


The doorbell rings again, and he goes to answer it as I mumble, “I’ve never had this many people come to my door before.” I hear Louise’s bright, bubbly voice as Zuko lets her in.

I pick up my drink and nod to Louise. “How do you know she won’t kill me?” I ask him.

“She won’t. I know everything there is to know about her. Even down to her fucking your ex-boss.” I choke on my coffee, and Louise’s face goes bright red. “It’s my job to know things.” Then he’s out the door without a goodbye, leaving Louise and me staring at each other.


“He’s a lot,” I tell her. “So, about you and Jeff. Care to tell me more?”

“Nope, that’s done. Time for me to move on. Oh, what’s that?” She catches sight of the dress, and her hands run along the silk skirt exactly as mine did only moments ago. “This is very pretty.”

“Thanks. Zuko is taking me to some party or something later.”

Her eyes do a quick scan over me. “Let’s put curlers in your hair and set them.”

“I can do my own hair,” I tell her. “Plus, the party isn’t until tonight.”

“Awesome. A mani-pedi is what we’ll do, then. Now, Zuko did say not to leave, but I saw a nail salon just down the road. Think he would mind?” She bites her lip at that question.

“Who cares if he does.” I give her an eye roll as I rise from the stool. “Let me get changed real quick. I could use a good pedicure.” I go to my room and slip on a maxi dress that hugs my breasts but flows down my body. After sliding on some sandals that will be easy for the pedicure, I walk out to see Louise typing away on her phone.

“Zuko said to stay in the house.” She pouts.

“He can go fuck himself.” I smile, grabbing my purse. “Let’s go.” I stroll to the door, but she doesn’t follow.

“He won’t…you know…hurt me, will he?” she asks worriedly.

“No,” I lie.

Well, I hope he won’t, but I don’t know for sure.

“Okay, good.” She grins and jumps up from the couch.

We step outside and decide it’s best to walk down to the salon. Louise fills me on the jobs she’s been searching for and skips all the parts about Jeff when I ask her how she’s been. I don’t push. I wouldn’t want to go into detail about fucking someone either if that someone was Jeff.