“Are you enjoying the show?” I stiffen as Zuko stops in front of me, his hands hanging loosely at his sides and sunglasses covering his eyes.

“Yes, very much so.” I give him a smug smile.

“You set my house on fire,” he states.

“Look at you, Captain Obvious.” I laugh, and it hurts when I do.Fuck this stomach wound.

He bends down, so we are eye-to-eye. “Why?”

“I warned you time and time again. It’s not my fault you chose not to listen.” I shrug. He lifts his sunglasses so I can see his eyes. They stare back at me, and I have to remember to breathe.

“Fair point,” he replies.

“What did you do to her?” I ask. “You better not have killed her. Because if you did, I’m going to do much worse next.”

Zuko fights a smirk before he shakes his head and scoffs. “What do you plan to do, Trouble?”

“I’ll find something else you love to set on fire,” I snap. “Why are you smirking?”

“Because that’s funny. I’ve never loved anything in this life.”

I’m shocked at his words, so I cover it and point to the house. “You didn’t love your house?”

“Nope. If you noticed, there was nothing personal in there. Though I am disappointed, I have to shop again…foreverything. I fucking hate shopping, especially for clothes.”

“I love shopping for clothes,” I mention as two police officers approach us.

Zuko stands, and they ask him what happened. He lies and says he was asleep and left a candle too close to a curtain, that it was too late by the time he woke, and that he barely made it outside, then he heard sirens.

I sit there as he tells a perfectly crafted lie.

The officers stare down at me for a moment, and then their attention turns back to Zuko.

“So, accidental?” they ask.

“Yep. No insurance would accept this. So I guess I’ll just have to rebuild myself.” They nod, happy with that, then write down a few particulars on their notepads.

“That will go into the report. So if you change your mind, the insurance company will see this,” one of them says.

“I get that,” he states, his tone bored and unconcerned. They seem taken aback by him. Both are standing a distance away from him, and they give him a nod before they turn and step off.

“Do I need to carry you, or can you walk?” Zuko asks, looming above me. I roll my eyes and stand. I try my best not to show any pain when I stand, but I must admit I am walking a little funny.

“You didn’t answer me,” I tell him as he holds open the car door. “Where did Louise’s car go?” I ask, scanning the area.

“I had it taken back to her. Nice job evading my brother, by the way. He is fucking pissed.”

I smile. “It was fun.”

Zuko shuts the door and strolls around to the driver’s side, then slides in. Starting the car, he drives off.

“Now, tell me what you did. Is she at least still alive?”

He nods to the glove compartment, and I eye it suspiciously.

“Open it.” I do as he says and see a black rag, so I pull it out, and as I do, something drops in my lap. When I check between my legs, I see a pale object. When I grab it, it feels squishy. Inspecting it closer, I scream and shift back in the seat, trying to escape the obvious and letting it drop back between my legs.

I try to climb away from it, and Zuko swears before he pulls the car over, slamming on the brakes and reaching for the finger.A fucking finger!He wraps it back in the rag and places it back in the glove compartment before he turns to me.