She groans and shakes her head. “That crazy bitch,” she hisses.

“Who?” I ask.

Her eyes narrow. “It’s your fault, you know?”

I smirk at her, not knowing what she is implying. “Don’t you look at me like that,” she bites out.

“Like what?”

“Like you want to fuck me again.”

“There isn’t a moment that goes by that I don’t want to fuck you. But who is the bitch?”

“Sarah, the one you got fired. Guess now it’s me who pays the price for your fuckups.” She attempts to get off the table, and I help her, but as soon as one foot hits the floor, she sways on her feet and groans again. I pick her up, careful not to hurt her.

“I’ll handle it,” I declare.

“No, youwill not,” she says as forcefully as she can manage. “I know what you do.”

“Yes, don’t we all. Here, take these, please.” The doctor hands her some pills and explains when to take them. She thanks him, and when we get out to the car, I place her in the backseat and reach for the bag in the front before I return to the doc.

Passing him his payment, he looks past me to her.

“You like her. It’s good for you,” he states.

“I don’t come here for advice,” I tell him, giving him extra money for his trouble.

“I know, you never needed it. But in case you do, I’m here.” He nods and steps back. I shake my head as I walk back to the car. Peering in the back, Alaska’s head is leaning against the window on the opposite side of the car.

“Your place or mine? And word to the wise, whichever location you choose, I’m not leaving you tonight. Doctor’s orders.”

Her eyes narrow at me before she speaks. “Yours.”



“Who was that?”I finally ask. I’ve been quiet for most of the car ride here. Contemplating how I can get out of this situation.

“He’s a doctor.”

“Why didn’t you take me to the hospital?”

“Do you want to report the stabbing? Because they would have made you.” I absorb his words. “Or would you ratherIdeal with it?”

“You deal with it?” I ask, confused.

“Yes, I can deal with it.”


He pulls up to his house. “Any which way you please.”

“What if I asked you to leave it alone?”

He gets out of the car, comes around to my side, then opens the car door and stares down at me. “You don’t want her to suffer after what she’s done to you?”

“Do you?” I take his offered hand and wince when I stand, my hand instantly going to my stomach.