“Huh?” I don’t know what she’s talking about at first, but then I remember. “Oh, that’s right, you know them.”

“I don’t really know them, per se. We just come from the same neighborhood,” she replies. “But they don’t go out as much as they have been, and word is out that Zuko has a lady.” I freeze at her words, and then she surprises me when she adds, “You.”

I turn to face her. “Me?”

“Yes, you were at a party with him. Naked, from what I hear. It’s the buzz everywhere. Considering those men are never seen in public with anyone unless they are fucking them it’s got everyone talking.”

“That’s all we did. We fucked.”

“Yes, I gathered that much from him carrying you around naked and all.”

“You heard that too?” I ask, slightly embarrassed.

“Yes. From what I hear, and I quote, ‘He is protective over you.’” She puts her quote fingers down and shrugs. “Anyway, you are the talk of the town, and it’s been said to stay away from you now that you are Zuko’s girl.”

“I amno one’s girl,” I snap, quickly finishing getting dressed.I want to punch him in the face.“If someone says I am, set them straight.” She nods but smiles as she does so.

“For what it’s worth, I think he’s met his match with you.”

“I’m not seeing him again.”

“Too late, he’s here,” she informs me, and I stop mid-step, halting before I get to the door.

Spinning around, I lock eyes with her. “Are you joking?”

“Nope. And his table has requested you.”

“That’s it. I’m quitting.” I throw my hands up as I stomp back to my locker.

“No, don’t let a man win. You are a boss-ass bitch, and one day I hope to be like you.” Her hands land on my shoulders, and she squeezes.

Ha! Never heard anyone in my life say they want to be like me. I’m what mothers are afraid their daughters will turn into.

“You take his table,” I tell her. “I’ll take yours.” She bites her lip as if she’s unsure. “If they don’t tip you, you can have half of what I make.”

“Okay, but remember what happened last time. He didn’t want me to serve him.” She shrugs and walks out with me. I don’t look in the direction of his table. It’s best I don’t. It’s not like I can get him kicked out of here. After all, he has connections that I’m not even aware of. I found that out when he had Sarah fired.

Jeff is behind the bar when we approach, which is not like him. But tonight is busy, and they could use the extra hands. He scowls when he lays eyes on me and goes back to pouring whatever drink he is mixing.

Louise leans over and yells in my ear, “What do I say if he asks for you? His brothers are with him tonight. And two others…a girl and an older man.”

“Tell them I’m already booked.” That’s all I can come up with as I grab the tray and make my way to the opposite side of the bar to start my night. An hour goes by in a flash. I’m serving a bunch of girls celebrating their twenty-first with their rich daddy, who, I might add, tips extremely well. I do prefer serving the women, but the men tip a shitload better.

And it does help he can’t seem to keep his eyes off me.

Walking back to the bar and not once glancing in Zuko’s direction, I pay no attention until a hand lands on my hip. I turn, smiling, thinking it’s a regular customer, until I see Zuko’s face.

“Are you ignoring me, Trouble?”

“I told you Ineverwant to see you again. I’m pretty sure I didn’t stutter when I said it.” I pull away from him, and his hand drops from my hip while I take a moment to drink him in. He’s dressed in black jeans and a button-up black shirt. A nice, shiny watch glints on his wrist.

Zuko is handsome, but just because someone is good-looking and can make you come, it doesn’t mean you should give them everything.

Respect is earned.

Not given.

“What can I do to change your mind?”