“No, please come.” She raises her hands in front of her chest in a prayer pose. “Please. Pretty please.”

“Fuck, fine.” I shake my head.

“You are the best! You can bring a date if you want. Or not.” She shrugs. “I’ll have all the wine and sweets you want. Thank you again, Alaska.” She leans up and kisses my cheek before she happily bounces off again—that girl has more energy than the Energizer Bunny.

I’m not sure why I just agreed to changing my own tradition, but now I’m trying to work out how I can also get out of it.

I prefer time alone.


Louise is great and all, but I like being by myself more.

Does that make me self-centered?Probably, but I couldn’t care less.

Turning back around, I find Zuko sitting in his booth, fiddling with his phone. I watch as Sarah walks up the stairs toward him and wonder what she’s doing. She has on her best fuck-me face, and her hips sway as she walks.

Good, take him.

Maybe you can get fucked with a knife up your pussy too.I giggle at that thought and quickly shake my head, telling myself that’s all kinds of wrong.

Zuko glances up from his phone as Sarah says something to him. She places her hand on her hip, popping it out a little more, as his eyes start to roam. He’s not looking at her though. He’s scanning the bar as if he’s searching for something. And when his gaze stops on me, I know it’s me he is looking for. He raises a brow, and how I see that clearly in this dark bar is beyond me, but my heart skips a beat.

I wonder if I should save him.

Or let him be.



If annoying could have a face,it would be this woman in front of me right now. She is talking—I mean, her lips are moving—but I can’t hear a word that leaves her mouth. It sounds like gibberish. Instead, my eyes find Alaska’s. She is watching the exchange from where she stands at the end of the bar.

“Did you hear me?” the woman in front of me asks.

I grip my phone in hand as I glance back at her. “What did you say?”

“I said you don’t need to pay for her services. I can give you a better rate.”

“A better rate?” I repeat her words as a question. The music is loud, but I’m not really paying all that much attention.

“Yes, like I said… My name is Sarah.” She rolls her eyes as if her pretentiousness will get her somewhere with me.

“I’m happy to pay whatever I’m paying now,” I tell her.

She bites her bottom lip as Alaska steps up right next to her. Sarah’s sharp eyes fall on Alaska, and she seems to stand a little taller.

“Are you lost, Sarah?” Alaska asks in a bored tone.

“I was just seeing if this customer here would like a better waitress,” Sarah says with false sweetness and all kinds of bravado.

“You can have him. He’s all yours,” Alaska answers, then walks off.

Sarah smiles brightly like she can’t believe her luck as Alaska heads back to the bar where she has been most of the night.

“She must really not like you if she was willing to give you up that easily. She never gives me anything,” Sarah says, her eyes lit with triumph.

I want to cut her lips from her goddamn mouth.