“Nope, as long as I get to spend it, I couldn’t care less,” I reply, with more confidence than I feel.
“That dress you’re wearing, that car you’re driving, are paid for by greedy billionaires who want their competition killed.”
“Who do you think did the killing?” Kyson smirks evilly.
I watch Zuko and wait for him to tell me Kyson is joking.
He doesn’t.
“I don’t care, and I’m leaving now.” I turn around and start walking back to the car. I hear a loud thump and try not to check what it is as two more blacked-out cars pull up. I stop halfway to the car as someone gets out. Neither of the men I was just with even look my way as they reach into their trunk, pull something out that appears a lot like a body bag, and hand it over. I watch as Kyson grabs the shovels and issues them to the men. Then all eyes turn to me. I freeze, unsure if I should move or stay still.
I see Zuko’s mouth move before everyone’s focus turns back to him. But even with the glasses on, I know his eyes are still on me. He says something, and before I know it, he’s coming my way. Finally, I make my feet move, but as I get to the driver’s side door, he shakes his head and holds out his hand.
“I’ll drive,” he says.
I pass him the keys and walk quickly around to the passenger side. He pushes the door open from the inside before he reaches over me as I sit down and grabs my seat belt. It slides over my chest, and he pulls it tight, so it cuts into my waist.
“Can’t have you escaping now, can we, Trouble?” He smirks and buckles me in, lingering longer than necessary before he pulls away and places both hands on the wheel, then drives off.
I don’t check behind me. I look down at my hands. My whole body feels like it’s shaking on the inside, but my hands are so steady I could probably do brain surgery. I’ve already established I don’t really care what Zuko does for a living. If I’m honest he doesn’t really look like a CEO or broker, but I do want to know. I pin my gaze on him. “What do you do?” I ask.
His fingers tap the steering wheel, and I get the idea he won’t answer me, but then he says, “I’m a hunter.”
“A hunter?” I’m somewhat confused by his answer.
“Yes, exactly that.”
I nod. Right, that makes more sense—he hunts wild animals. Is that what that was? I wonder what animal was in that bag. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a card. When he holds it out to me, I take it and then scan the wording.
“A condo,” I say looking at the picture on the card.
He smirks. “Your very own.”
“I’m confused. I said I wouldn’t sit on your cock until I got a condo, you think this,” I hold up the card, “is a condo that counts as payment?”
“Yes. You didn’t specify the condo had to be a physical place. So your condo is the picture. Now, where can we go so that I can fuck you?” This time he does look my way. His sunglasses tip down, and I see the raised brow as his lips set into a thin line.
“Is that all you want to do? Fuck me?”
“And that’s all? Nothing more after this?” I ask.
“Do you mean will I want to fuck you again, Trouble?” He scrapes his teeth along his bottom lip as he stares at me.
“Yes. I need to fuck you from my system.” His brows slide up his forehead as his eyes dance with mischief.
“You’re a charmer. Just what every girl wants to hear,” I mumble. I see his mouth fighting a smirk, and he shakes his head.
“Where do you live?” he asks.
“Nope. You want to fuck? You’re getting a hotel room. You are not welcome in my home.”
“Who is welcome in your home?”