“Fucking shut up, Kyson.” He steps back from me fully and stalks away without even a backward glance. I stand there, stuck to the car, unsure of how to even function.

That was, without a doubt, the best kiss of my whole damn life.

From a man I barely know.

Who just so happens to be filthy rich—sorry, wealthy—and has given me so much already.

With only one ask.

No one has ever treated me the way he has.

“This your new plaything,” the other voice says, loud enough for me to hear. “Hope she can swim.” He chuckles. When I check over my shoulder to where they are standing, they’re both watching me. Intently.

Managing to get myself together, I stand taller and step over to them. “Swim?” I ask.

The newcomer, Kyson, who I saw at the bar, smirks. “Yes, our boy Zuko here has a habit of drowning his fucks.”

“That was one time,” Zuko grumbles, then looks at me. “She lived. I gave her mouth-to-mouth. She appreciated it.” He still has his sunglasses covering his eyes, so I don’t know if he winked at me or not, but I have a feeling he isnotthat type.

“I can swim,” I say to Kyson. Then I turn to Zuko. “Are we fucking anytime soon?”

“Naked, remember,” Zuko reminds me, not even caring that his brother can hear us. “I didn’t get you a condo,” he adds.

“Speaking of,” Kyson says and hands Zuko a piece of paper. I take no notice as they start to move to the trunk of his car. I stay where I am as it opens, and they start talking. Two shovels are thrown near my feet, and I step back in my designer heels as I stare down. “What the?”

“Does she not know who you are?”

“Kyson,” Zuko growls.

Kyson shrugs and grins. “I think she should.”

Right now, I should be terrified.

It’s a normal reaction, right?

To want to run the other way.

I mean, I’m alone with two men in the middle of nowhere, with nothing close by but an old, rundown warehouse. And for reasons unknown to me, they have shovels.

They could do anything to me.

And I was stupid enough to come out here with Zuko and not think anything of it.

“Oh, she looks scared,” Kyson notes. “You know how to dig?” he adds.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“Dig.” He nods to the shovels.

“Why the fuck would I dig anything? Do you see this dress?” I ask heatedly, pointing to my incredibly expensive designer brand dress. “No way am I getting it dirty.”

Zuko’s mouth twitches at my words.

“You should tell her who we are,” Kyson says to Zuko.

“I’m good. I don’t want to know.”

“You aren’t the least bit curious about how we earn our money?”