“This place is flashy. Are you sure you can afford it?” she whispers.

“I can’t, but this can.” I show her the little black card that I’ve had all week and have been using every day.

“How did you get one of those?” she asks, her tone laced with awe as the waiter places a napkin on each of our laps. I put the card on the table, and her eyes follow it like she’s never seen one outside of work before.

I hadn’t either.

“Can I start either of you with some wine, perhaps?”

“Red, please,” Louise says.

“White,” I add.

He heads off to place our drink order, and she glances back at the card.

“When I get to be a big girl like you, I want one of those.” She points to it. “How did you get it?”

“Zuko.” I say his name since I know it now, and her eyes go wide.

“Shit. Did you steal it? Please don’t steal from them. They will kill you, no joke. Did you hear what happened to the man who was grabby with us that night?”

“Huh?” I ask, confused.

“Last week, when they came in. The guy at your table who was grabby? Well, anyway, he was stabbed in the neck in the bathroom. Someone found him after you left, and the bar was shut down.”

Holy shit. It couldn’t have been him, right?

Would he?

I mean, he did tell me if that guy touched me again, he would stab him. I just didn’t think he would actually carry the threat through.

“Do they know who did it?” I ask.

“Nope. The bar has been closed all week. I know you only work weekends, but shit, it’s been hard.”

“You need to find another job,” I tell her.

“I know.” The waiter comes back with our wine, and she smiles as she takes hers.

“Do you think it was them?” I ask quietly as the waiter retreats.

“Yes, but I would never say that to anyone else but you.”


“Because I like my head where it is…firmly attached to my body.” She smiles.

“They can’t be that scary.”

“You did see them, right? Were you not intimidated?”

“I was, but then I realized they’re just men. And I am a woman, one who can make men drop to their knees. Pussy is where the power is.” I wink at her.

“Oh, gosh, I really do have to get used to the way you speak.” She giggles.

“Tell yourself your pussy has power, and you shall have power,” I advise, holding back the laugh.

The food starts coming out—a seven-course meal. Each plate seems to get smaller and smaller, but holy shit does it taste better and better with each bite.