Page 93 of Cruel Queen

Never asks.

He is just…

… there.


As I stare into Brody’s eyes, I can’t believe he is mine.

I do this regularly—simply staring at our son.

He has my eyes, not Grim’s, but it’s clear as day who his father is. Brody looks almost identical to him, down to his nose and dark hair. He cries, and I lift him to me, cuddling him close.

So much has changed, and yet everything remains the same.

I am queen.

I have accepted the fact and have reveled in it, as it was my chosen path.

We no longer have a barrier up. People live where they choose, and life is… dare I say it, good.

Everything is good.

And it makes me incredibly happy.

Witches live where they choose. Some have stayed, while others have made their homes elsewhere. Tanya and Melvon live here, but Tatiana and John have gone back to where the wolves called home for so long. That’s their habitat, and that’s why they choose to call it home.

New paths have been made—with the help of magic—and we see each other regularly.

Grim is still the Angel of Death—that will never change. And to be honest, I’m not sure it should. He was created for that job, and it’s all he knows. And when he is away from it for too long, I see that his body changes, and he loses a part of himself. I think it’s the same way I am when I’m drained of my magic. I don’t feel complete.

“Is he asleep?” Grim asks, appearing next to us.

I still live in the same house. It’s funny how I am the only one left now. It’s not the same as it was when we were growing up, though, so that makes me happy. It’s mine, and now it is also our son’s.

Francis has become someone I rely on heavily. Cinitta drops in when she can, but she now lives in the woods where we first met. She is as loyal as ever—it’s one thing I admire about her.

“No, he is fussing,” I tell Grim as I pace back and forth, trying to rock our son to sleep. Brody seems to only want to fall asleep when he’s in someone’s arms—preferably mine, but he loves being in Grim’s as well. Grim takes him without even thinking and starts rocking gently, and it isn’t long until he falls asleep.

We haven’t spoken about us.

What we could be.

Or even what we are.

When Grim’s here, we talk of our son, and that’s it. He doesn’t ask me how my day was, and to be honest, I like it this way. I needed time, and time is what Grim has given me.

I look at him, dressed in all black, and sit down as I watch them together. When I gave birth, Grim was right by my side. Francis delivered Brody, and straight after, my father appeared. He took one look, smiled, kissed the top of my head, and disappeared.

Grim made sure I was okay through the delivery, and before he even went to check on his son, he first ensured I was fine.

“He likes you more,” he whispers to me, careful not to wake the baby.

When I don’t say anything, Grim stops rocking and looks at me. “It’s because you smell like his food.” I nod my head in agreement. “I like you more too.”

Grim’s words shock me so much that I just sit there and stare at him. He smirks, and it makes my heart jump at the sight. He walks Brody to his crib, laying him down carefully. The sweet little Angel doesn’t make a sound.

Grim straightens and walks over to me, offering me his hand. I look at it, wondering what he wants. “Come somewhere with me.” I glance past him to our son. “He’ll be fine. I can see him from anywhere in the world.” I nod and manage to stand. When I place my hand in his, he transports us, and my bare feet land in the sand. I smile up at him as I sit down on the beach, the water lapping gently in front of me.