Page 67 of Cruel Queen

Bodies surround me, but there’s only one that I care about. I want to breathe life into him, to tell him to wake up. Even though I know it’s not possible, I try anyway.

I grab at his clothes—the very same ones that we’ve torn off together.

I hate that I love him.

I hate that he put me in this position that now, not only did I manage to fall in love with someone I thought I could spend the rest of my life with, he should’ve known. He should’ve known that he would leave me like this and that this would destroy me. That even though I hear another breath come close to me—one that very well could belong to someone who could snap my neck—I pay no attention because the breath and the heartbeat I want to hear no longer exists.

That heart no longer beats.

And it will no longer love me.

That realization hurts more than words can describe.


I know someone is saying my name, but my head just doesn’t want to lift from its spot on Max’s back to see who it is.


I reach for something, but I’m not even sure what it is until it surrounds me. I put us in a cocoon that protects us both.

I can no longer hear my name being called, and I don’t want to look around to see the destruction that surrounds us. That will only remind me of his death.

Why couldn’t I stop it?


I curl myself up into a ball and slide my hands up his torso.

If I could breathe life into him, I would.

If I could give him my life, I would.

I hear knocking.

But I pay no attention.

I start to drift off.

And as I do, I hear his voice calling me.

* * *

“She doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

I hear someone say.

“And who are you, her slave?”

I know that voice.

“Leave her be.”

“I will do no such thing. You leave.”

“No, she needs protection. And since no one else seems to want to do that, I will.”

“You think you should be the one protecting her?” I hear a laugh. “Like you protected and served Viper?”