Page 59 of Cruel Queen

Yet here I am, on my bare stomach as he walks out fully clothed and returns not long after with a blanket.

Max wraps it around me, a towel slung over his shoulder, as he lifts me up and carries me like a baby.

“You have a thing for carrying me.” I laugh.

“I have a thing foryou,” is all he replies.

I lean into him as he heads to a lake not far away. No one stops and talks to us. They simply mind their own business.

I smile when I see the crystal-clear water. “It reminds me of your eyes,” I tell him as he wades in, not worried about removing his clothes or dropping the blanket. However, he does drop the towel to the ground before submerging us.

“Really?” he asks, brushing my hair off my shoulder and cupping my jaw. “Tell me you’ll do something for me.”

“What?” I question, staring into those eyes that shine brightly in the moonlight and the reflection of the water.

“Tell me you will never trust your sisters fully or blindly again.”

“Why? They are my family.”

“You know why. Tatiana loves you. But she loves her children more. It will take time, if it happens at all, for her not to want to lock you away.”

“She wouldn’t.”

“She would,” he insists. “I overheard Tanya and Melvon talking. They are here to persuade you to go back in hopes they can convince you to stay with them.”

I push away at his words and drop my head under the water.

Why is this my life?

Why did I have to be the chosen one with all this power?

I wish it weren’t me.

I wish I were a normal witch falling in love with a normal Angel-demon.

Yet, no matter what I wish, I am not.

I stay under too long for Max’s liking, and he pulls me up. Catching my breath, I slick my hair back from my eyes.

“You’ll have me. Always me,” he says, leaning in and kissing me again.

“I have an idea.” He watches me with eager, sparkling eyes. “You should be king.”

He laughs. “I am already king… of my people.”

“No, I mean of this world. You should be king here.”

“Talia.” Max reaches out and pulls me behind him. I peer over his shoulder to see a figure standing at the water’s edge, holding a towel in her hand.

“I think it’s time we talk.” I watch as Cinitta’s eyes track to Max, then back to me. “Alone.”

“That willnothappen,” Max growls.

Cinitta has many gifts, but fire is her strongest. She throws a fireball straight at Max, who catches it and places it into the water as if it’s nothing. Her head tilts to the side, and her expression fills with surprise. She studies him for a moment before she turns to face me.

“Viper has the baby,” she says before I start wading through the water back to shore.

“Déjà vu,” I mutter.