Page 75 of Cruel Queen

My hair is wild and free. My eyes are so red I think they have the appearance of blood.

Vampire after vampire comes straight for me, and I take each one down as they do.

I wonder what our world would be like without the vampires.

Maybe they should be extinct? They are dead, after all, so it’s only fair they go and meet their maker.

“Witch.” The word is hissed over and over again at me.

And then, my brother stands in front of me.

“Talia.” He says my name instead of my nickname.

“Did you come to join me?” I ask him, grinning.

“I think you’ve had your fun,” he says, taking in the scene in front of him. There are piles of ash everywhere, some vampires hiding behind burned rubble, while others are trying to kill me.

They won’t be able to.

No matter how fast they are, it’s their only skill, and I am faster, stronger.

I have many skills, and I am happy to show each and every one of them right here and right now.

“We need the scum in this world, Wings. We need them to feed us.”

“I’m sure some will be left,” I say as one comes up behind me. He almost gets to me.Almost.I spin quickly, grip his neck, and start sucking from him. What I didn’t expect was for him to have a knife, which he plunges straight into my stomach.

Vampires hardly use weapons—they think of themselves as too strong, too almighty to need them.

He turns to ash as I step back. I pull the knife from my stomach and turn to face Valefar.

“This will make them crazy. My blood, that is.” I look at the knife and see it’s not just an ordinary knife. It’s the Angel knife.

Ha, he thought I was an Angel.

And I thought no one could use this knife.

“Bronik!” I scream for him, and it doesn’t take long before he appears, dropping Cinitta to the ground at my feet. She is still tired from when I took her power. “Why did you take her?”

He glances down at my wound. “You are bleeding.”

“I am. Now, why did you take her?” I ask again.

“You need to stop siphoning.” He glances at Cinitta. “She is strong, this one.”

“I know, but you are a real dick, you know that?” He smiles his knowing, cocky smile. Cinitta goes to speak, but before she can utter a word, I rush Bronik and slam the knife into his chest. He steps back, his eyes going wide, clearly not expecting that.

I once thought of him as handsome.

Now all I see is a broken Angel.

I pull the knife free, and he shakes his head in disappointment.

“I forgive you,” he says before he vanishes with feathers floating to the ground in his wake.

“Oh shit. Daddy is going to be pissed with you.” Valefar cackles behind me. I turn to him, and he takes the knife from me. “Just so you don’t think of using this on our father. We can’t have that now, can we.” He winks before he, too, is gone.

“Talia.” I turn to Cinitta. “I think it’s time we rest.” Her eyes are heavy, so I reach for her, and her long purple hair cascades around both of us as I help her up. “You killed him,” she whispers. “An Angel.”