Page 1 of Thief of Virtues



“Look at you, piccola.” I held out my arms, offering my niece Lucia a safe place to waddle to. She was headstrong though, scrunching her nose up at my offer of support and batting my arm away.

“Ucia, do. Ucia, do.”

“I know sweet girl, you can do it.” Soft laughter spilled out of me.

“How’s my little princess?” Arianne came into the room with a tray of cookies and milk for Lucia.

“She’s stubborn, just like her father.” I smiled.

“Don’t let Nicco hear you say that.” Ari placed the tray down and Lucia dropped to her knees, crawling like a rocket toward the cookies.

“That’s cheating,” her mamma scolded, scooping her up and sitting her on her knee. “One. You can have one.” Ari pressed a kiss to Lucia’s dark curls.

“She’s getting so big. I can’t believe she’ll be two in a few months.”

“Tell me about it. I miss the baby stage. At least when she couldn’t crawl or walk, I didn’t need eyes in the back of my head.”

“Is Nicco—”

“Working.” There was a hint of pride in Arianne’s eyes, which I found a little strange considering what my brother did. But since taking over, the Family had gone from strength to strength. Nicco was keen to make sure we had as many legitimate businesses as the not so legitimate ones. While a few of the older men weren’t happy with some of the changes, a lot of them did appreciate his attempts at diversifying.

Nicco might have been the boss but he had a family now, a daughter, and he wanted her to have a legacy she could be proud of.

“Are you looking forward to the party?” Ari asked me.

“I guess.” I picked up some of Lucia’s toys and dropped them in the toy box. “Bella is so excited, she has like three dresses picked out.”

“Three?” Ari gawked, and I nodded.

“There could be outfit changes.”

We both laughed and Lucia joined in, her little forced belly laughs so freaking adorable.

“I still can’t believe you graduated. We’re very proud of you Sia.”

I blushed at her compliment. Arianne had been in my life less than three years, but she was the sister I never had, and I loved her dearly. Even if I was slightly jealous of the love she and my brother shared. It was the kind of love that shone; the kind of love that people immortalized in songs and poems and romance novels.

They had both endured so much, they deserved a lifetime of happiness together.

“Sia?” I glanced up at the sound of my name on Ari’s lips. “Is everything okay?”

“Fine.” My smile didn’t reach my eyes.

But the truth was, I was restless.

School was over. I was supposed to be on the precipice of the best time of my life. College. Moving into an apartment with Bella. Discovering what I wanted to do with my life. But when I looked at Nicco, at Arianne, and their beautiful daughter, I knew in my heart of hearts what I wanted.

I wanted a family.

I wanted someone to love me.

I wanted the fairy tale.

There was just one small problem.