Page 20 of Thief of Virtues

“He’s a Capizola,” The man said, slowly approaching Tristan. “Her cousin. Do you have any idea the shit that will rain down on us if we don’t return them in one piece?”

Fear clung to his every word but my captor chuckled darkly. “You actually think Mahoney plans to let them go? You really are a—”

It happened so fast, I could hardly process what I was witnessing.

One minute Tristan was lying on the floor, gasping for breath, his body jerking violently. The next, he had tackled the guy to the floor, dispatched his gun and shot him point blank through the skull.

“Back the fuck up.” The guy behind me pressed his own gun to my temple and fear turned my blood to ice.

Not again.

Not like this.

I blinked away the tears, trying to remain strong—trying desperately to focus on Tristan and not the cool metal licking my skin.

“Think about this Capizola, you take another step and I will end her.”

“You need her. If the Marchetti don’t get proof she is alive, they will rain down all kinds of hell on you. You have to know that.” He inched closer, keeping his gun trained on us.

Not me, I realized. But the man holding me.

“Let her go,” Tristan said. “And I’ll consider letting you live.”

His eyes flicked to mine, just for a second.

Just long enough for me to understand.

He seemed to let loose a long, steady breath, his finger flexing around the trigger. And then he barked, “Now.”

I ducked, the crack of gunfire ringing in my ears and the man behind began to fall backwards, pulling me with him.

“Shit, Alessia.” Tristan rushed over to me, yanking me off the dead, lifeless body. A single bullet hole through his skull.

“Y-you killed them.” Bile rushed up my throat and I swallowed it down.

Tristan held me for a second. But all too soon, he gently pushed me away. “We need to move, now.” He left me to check the bodies for weapons, retrieving another pistol and a radio.

“No cell phone. Shit.” He rubbed his temple. “Okay, I’m getting you out of here.”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. The radio crackled, a gruff voice coming over the speaker.

“Grant, the fuck’s going on down there? I thought I heard shots.”

Tristan messed with the button and whispered. “Now, we need to move now.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door, pausing to poke his head out into the hall. “When I say run,” he whispered. “You run straight down the hall and don’t stop. For anything.”

I managed a mindless nod, a violent shiver going through me. My eyes fluttered as I tried to catch my breath.

“Alessia, look at me,” Tristan snapped. “I need you to stay focused, okay? You’ve got this.” He cupped my face. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, but we need to go now.”


Without another word, we slipped into the hall and he tilted his head to the left, mouthing, “Go.”

I moved around him, silently pleading with him not to leave me.

“I’ll be right behind you,” he said. “Now run.”

Something inside me snapped and I hurtled down the hall, Tristan’s footsteps a steady beat behind me. The long narrow hall whizzed past me, a door appearing in the distance. Not just any door, a fire exit.