Page 125 of The Gilded Survivor

My muscles bunched up. I let the tablecloth fall to the ground as I grabbed at my skirts, and started running. Dance had taught me agility, and training with Antonio had given me speed. Thick fingers reached for my dress and narrowly missed while I dashed away.

“Stop!” the Canciller called. “¡Guardia!” he shouted, louder still.

“¡Alto!” the Guardia commanded, his voice growing closer.

I couldn’t stop to look back. I needed to keep running.

A cluster of Flamenco dancers appeared in the hall straight in front of me, blocking my way. I couldn’t stop, and I couldn’t slow down.

But… I wanted to stop. I wanted to give up.

A loud shot sounded behind me, and burning agony hit in me the shoulder. A woman screamed, and I staggered forward.

“Por favor, ¡muevanse!” I cried as I shoved my way through the dancers. One of them was still screaming, but there were no more shots. Tears welled up in my eyes and gold saturated my melanin. My survival instincts were in charge now, and my magic healed the messy wound.

I heard the shouting of the guard behind me, the sound of their feet pounding across the carpet. I spotted one of the smaller, more discreet staircases.

I jumped back up, grabbing my skirts in my hands, jumped onto the handrail. It was a miracle I didn’t tumble off as I slid down.

The second my feet hit the ground, I dashed for a side door. Heavy, thunking sounds sounded behind me as one of the guards fell down the same staircase.

Covered in blood and hair a mess, I barreled down a hallway and past clusters of people. I stumbled when the heel of one of my shoes broke, but I kept running.

Glancing back over my shoulder, I saw the Guardias looking for me. I whipped back around and spotted a secluded alcove, and ducked inside. There were heavy curtains, and it led over to a small stone stairwell.

“Carmen!” a voice whisper-shouted from the entrance to the alcove.

I would know it anywhere.

I halted and turned around.

My gaze shifted to Magdalena Magaña, my best friend, standing next to Santiago Flores. She wore a petal-pink dress with thick ruffles and a delicate pearl necklace.

I blinked, panic rising in my throat.

My best friend rushed toward me, but I stepped back. “What the hell are you doing here?”

She paused, and then looked at Santiago. They bent toward each other like reeds in the wind. It was slight, but spoke volumes. “Antonio brought me. I’ve been staying at Tiago’s house during the Withering outbreak. They’ve been hosting me as a sort of governess.” She looked confused.

Tiago? Governess?There was more she wasn’t telling me, but there wasn’t time to discuss. My soul split in half between wanting to run away as far as I could but also knowing that I couldn’t leave Magda behind. My lovely Magda, who I had missed for so long.

She would’ve been better off without me.

My eyes burned as I brushed back a loose curl from her face, and kissed her cheeks. “I’m so glad to see you, but I wish you wouldn’t have come.”

She pressed her forehead to mine, and I let out a sob. Antonio had done this. He had saved her. Emotions flooded through my body. She was my best friend and I would die protecting her if I had to.

“What happened Carmen?” she asked, and I saw her nose wrinkle slightly.

More tears spilled out of me. “I can’t tell you, but I need to leave.”

Without hesitation, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight before turning back to Santiago.

“Tiago,” she said urgently, pointing at me. “She needs your help.”

My brows furrowed at the familiarity she showcased with that nickname, but the Canciller’s voice echoed in the empty corridor and Santiago frowned in concern. He looked at Magda… like she was the moon. I’d never seen so much emotion from him. He looked me up and down before nodding his head solemnly.

“You know, it’s almost frightening that you chose this exact alcove.” He took a few steps forward and pulled back one tapestry to reveal a staircase.