Page 109 of The Gilded Survivor

Joaquín studied me, embers smoldering in his eyes. “If you really were serious about all of this, you would make peace with killing and reforge that alliance with Isaac.”

We stared at each other, neither one wanting to speak again. I wanted to leave the tournament with no more blood on my hands, and he wanted me to kill and count it as a game-related loss. Neither of us was going to win.

“Can we do the ritual now?” I asked, eager to change the subject.

He let out a long breath. “Very well.” Then he picked up the rock and placed it in front of me. “Place your left hand on the scoria.”

I did.

“Close your eyes,” he said.

My eyes slid shut. My heart rate had increased, showing my discomfort at having my sight inhibited.

“What now?” I asked hesitantly.

Something shuffled around me. “Give me your other hand. I’m going to make a cut along your palm.”

My jaw tightened. Practicing magic included a lot of this. Even though I knew the pain would fade fast, I still hated the action. When the hot slice rippled across my palm, I sucked in a sharp breath and quickly put my hand on the rock. Heat spread across my skin.

“Renata, you need to clear your mind. Focus on the rock, as if you could fill each of the holes with your blood.”

I cleared my throat. “Morbid, but okay.”

“Focus,” he hissed.

I did. Instead of envisioning my blood, I channeled my power into the rock. Time and space moved around me in a dizzying sensation, as if I were being sucked into the stone. The closer I got, the clearer I could see the scene before me. Scorching red tendrils of heat were coming up from beneath me and deep black walls closed me in.

Something had transported me inside a volcano. La Dama, by the bubbling lava beneath me.

Then a deep rumbling sound resonated through the spout, vibrating deep in my bones, before the noise changed to a wail. The cry was so ugly and savage that I trembled.

Looking down, I searched desperately for the source of agony. What creature could make such a noise? Movement drew my eye to one colossal wing. It was curved like a bat’s, and had a long nail pointing out the top of it, which was currently clawing at the wall. Trying to break free. The rest of the body appeared to be embedded into the wall of the tunnel, and I gasped.

Fairytales and myths were lies.

But, defying all logical possibilities, that was a wyvern.

As soon as I made the connection, time shifted once more, sucking me back into my seat. When I arrived in reality, my eyes flew open and I was panting and sweating.

Joaquín Pérez patted my shoulder. “Well done. We are finished.”

I looked at the rock, which was now glowing like an enormous chunk of solid gold. My essence. My blood.

Heart still racing, I got up and hurried out of the room.


A Drive Alone

Antonio had driven himself to the Old Palace. Apparently, he had left soon after our conversation, which was good because I was in no place to talk about what I had seen during the stone ritual.

Even still, I was disappointed.

It didn’t matter what happened earlier. It didn’t matter if he was exhibiting interest in me, I was very good at not paying attention to my most intimate physical reactions in these last two months.

Isolda was riding in the car with me, and she almost immediately took a nap when the car purred to life. The trunk of this car and one more vehicle were stuffed till bursting with my pantsuits and jewelry. Javier and Manuel were driving around my dresses.

It made me want to laugh.