Page 102 of The Gilded Survivor

His hands, warm and steady, cupped my face.

“Watching you speak to another man is torture, Renata,” he said.

Was he talking about Antonio or Santiago? More heat lit up my skin.

He noticed and smiled, and I scolded myself for thinking about another man while doing… this.

“Liberáme de mi sufrimiento, por favor.” A vein in his neck strained while he looked at me like I was a cool lake after a month spent in the desert.

I sucked in a breath. He wanted me. Badly. He needed me. I was good for him, encouraged him to do good things, like stop using Ash.

He did not wait for my smile as his hands slid down my cheeks to my neck. His strong, confident hands swept the fur shawl wrapped around my biceps off my body, exposing even more skin to more cold air.

“Isaac,” I breathed. I was half frozen with a strange want stirring inside of me, and the harsh cold of the night. “Why did you really bring me up here? It’s beautiful but—”

His thumbs pressed lightly into my collar bones as he pulled me down to his mouth, silencing me effectively. I yielded to him.

As soon as our lips touched, the cold was eradicated with the warmth of his skin. The kiss was not slow, nor was it as sweet as he had promised with his gentle touches.

But it wasgood. It was like winning a bet. Going from rags to riches in seconds.

It didn’t take me long to get drunk on his lips, on the feeling of being with someone—all his attention focused completely on me. Endless waves of warmth surged through my veins, warming me from the inside out as he lifted off the ground. Then he was sitting next to me and his tongue slid across my lips. Fire broke out when he moved his lips from my face to my neck, his hands feverishly exploring my body, both the parts clothed and bare. With a low growl, he pulled off his coat and threw it on the ground before unbuttoning his shirt.

I gasped as his lips caressed the sensitive skin of my throat, trailing one rough finger over the swell of my breast. I was a creature of sensation with him, and I gasped.

“You have the sweetest blood. I can taste its essence all over you,” he growled.

I was taken out of the moment. I became aware of the way he had been undoing the back of my dress, liberating more of my body to him and the dark night.

The comparison made me a little uneasy. My mind flicked through other times when he had commented on how I looked, how my blood tasted.

After a lifetime of being afraid of bleeding, it was unsettling to have someone talk about your blood all the time.

Then, the door which led to the stairs opened and shut. I broke away from him just in time to see his mother, Martina de León, stalk up towards us.


Don’t Get Mad

“Ithink the two of you are quite finished,” she said with a scowl as bitter as the wintry air.

Isaac bolted upright, straightening his clothes. My arms darted behind me, holding up my dress and trying to keep my breasts from falling out all together. I was unsuccessful, especially since Isaac had broken the top clasp. I was embarrassed and uncomfortable.

“Mother, we—”

“—are quite finished. Go downstairs, Isaac,” she said firmly. I saw her gloved hands clench into tight fists.

I slowly rose and positioned myself behind a now-fully dressed Isaac. Tossing away any hope of successfully replacing the top half of my dress, I settled for using my shawl to cover the bareness. My face and skin were painted crimson red, but it would do for now.

“But we—” Isaac tried again.

Martina de León held up her hand. “Not another word. I know what you were doing, and it was incredibly imprudent. This is not our home, hijo, we are at a party. What if there were cameras still wandering around? Get downstairs with your father.”

I saw Isaac’s mouth go slack, but he said nothing else. The thought of being photographed half naked… It was terrifying.

Not as terrifying as Martina de León, though. I desperately wished I could track every emotion that lead him to obey his mother. He took a step forward, and then another, until he was all the way to the door.

He gave me one last lingering glance before opening the door and disappearing down the stairs.