Page 82 of The Gilded Survivor

We stared at each other. The air between us was thick, filled with tension. The ongoing battle which represented our entire commonwealth—the ridiculous rules and expectations set upon a people to make them seem better than commoners. We were all flesh and blood. We all needed safety, shelter, education.

This moment reminded me why the Élite should be despised. I would be in their ranks, but I would never be one of them.

Then Ana Olguín pursed her lips. “You’ll be eating cochinillo. Suckling pig. Which one is the cuchillo de carne?”

She was moving on without a fight.

My mouth hung open. I couldn’t believe it.

Meat knife. That one was easy. A knife with teeth used solely for red meats.

I looked down and realized that there were two serrated knives. One had softer ridges while the other was as pointed as shark’s teeth.

I swallowed hard and reached out. I took my time, grateful for once that ladies needed to be slow in their actions. My hand hovered over the plate, not quite lending itself to the direction of either of the two similar knives.

Just as a light coating of sweat bloomed on my neck and back, someone knocked on the door.

The action startled me enough to snatch my hand away.

Señora Olguín was on her feet in a second, moving swiftly toward the door. It could also be a good thing that ladies didn’t leave people waiting at the door.

I continued staring at the table, trying to remember which one was for meat. Then I remembered teeth chewed meat, so, sharp “teeth” would be my target. I nearly squealed with delight at realizing I’d figured it out.

My distraction had prevented me from listening closely when the door opened and a servant said something that included the word “Renata.”

I stiffened.

Turning around, I spied the servant who worked directly attending to Antonio. He was older, with greying hair and a clean-shaven face. His skin was a shade or two darker than Señora Olguín, like most workers. I’d asked him his name once, and he declined to tell me. It was peculiar.

Ana was looking at me as well, and from the tight lines bracketing her mouth and squeezing in between her eyebrows, she was upset.

“Sorry? I was so engrossed in my studies that I didn’t catch everything.” I could’ve sworn, even though his face didn’t change in any major way, I could see the servant’s eyes flick down to my plate with disgust.

I liked the servant.

Without even a long-suffering exhale, he said, “Señor Castillas is waiting for you in his office. There are some important tournament-related details he needs to iron out.”

Señora Olguín was not impressed. “Really? During my time? We were about to practice her fan skills.”

The servant blinked, and I pinched my lips together. Ana was so sure what she was teaching me was actually of consequence.

But, a little voice in the back of my mind weighed in.Learning how to live isn’t a joke.

The servant looked vaguely apologetic. “Perdón, Señora, but this is time-sensitive. I’m sure your session tomorrow won’t be interrupted.”

Señora Olguín shook her head. “San Volcán, if she goes to that dinner this Thursday and acts like an untrained pig, no one had better blame me.”

My eyebrows raised at her tantrum, and I wondered yet again if this person really understood the difference between being a good person and being a lady.

The servant nodded. “Understood. Now, Señorita Renata, if you would please follow me.”

I stood up quickly enough to make my head spin, mumbled my apologies and a brief goodbye to Ana, before following him out into the hallway.

This servant was, without a doubt, one of Antonio’s. When I was in the position of being someone who had been looked down upon, I remembered how much I had wanted people to see me—to notice me and speak to me like a human.

I picked up my walking speed so that our shoulders were flush and leaned sideways, casting aside the churning in my stomach. “I’m more grateful than you could ever know.”

The man appeared startled and looked at me with a slightly suspicious expression. He studied my face, and I kept my mouth fixed in a smile.