Page 34 of Make You Mine

Because I planned to make Frederick Leonard pay for trying to kidnap my woman. He lost all rights to her the moment he traded her to me. And I would be damned if he ever got his hands on her again, just to toss her to the next fucker he owed something to. And I knew the other men he dealt with weren’t as nice as I was.

Sure, Natalia had struggled at first. But she now knew that I was definitely the lesser of two evils, and she also knew that while I enjoyed inflicting pain, I also wanted to take care of her.

And my woman was coming to both understand and crave that. Sure, she had her moments still, but I was beginning to learn that most of the time, she acted out because sheneededthe punishment, and she wouldn’t just outright ask for me to help her, which we would definitely be working on.

I quietly stepped out of the closet, pocketing my phone. After making my way back over to the bed, I bent over and gently pressed my lips to Natalia’s cheek, brushing her hair back some as I did so. She sighed softly in her sleep but didn’t wake up.

“Sleep well, baby girl,” I whispered.

I stood back up to my full height and then left the room, quietly shutting the door behind me before I jogged down the stairs to the garage. I pointed at Rosco. “You—you’re up Natalia’s ass until I return. Clear?”

He nodded once. “Understood, Sir.”

He began moving to the stairs. I continued on to the garage and slid into my car.

It was time to spill blood, and I was more than fucking ready.

* * *

I stepped into the warehouse,plastic crinkling beneath my boots. A single light was on overhead, casting an eerie glow throughout the massive room. The parts of the room it didn’t reach had deadly looking shadows. It was as if the devil was waiting for me to end Frederick’s life so he could finish torturing the piece of shit in Hell.

Frederick was tied down to a chair in the middle of the room. He was fighting against the restraints, not yet picking up on me being there with him. I knew my men were lurking in the shadows, always ready to step in if I needed them to.

But unlike so many other men that had empires like mine, Ilikedgetting my hands dirty.

Especially when I knew getting them dirty meant Natalia was safe.

“You can pull all you want, Frederick,” I said quietly, “but those restraints aren’t going anywhere.”

He immediately stopped, jerking his head up to look at me. Duct tape covered his mouth. I reached forward and yanked it off, pulling some of his mustache and beard with it. He yelled out in pain, cursing up a storm. I quietly laughed and balled the duct tape up before dropping it to the floor.

“That hurt?” I taunted. “If you couldn’t handle that, you’re about to have a real tough time of it.”

He spat at my shoes but missed. I shook my head.Pitiful.“I always find my victims, Frederick. You should have known you couldn’t skip the country. I’ve got eyes everywhere. So, even while I’m sleeping peacefully at night with your daughter naked next to me—”

“Fuck you,” he hissed.

“—I still know everything that is going on,” I continued, speaking over him. I smirked at him, leaning in close to him. “You canneverescape me, Frederick. I’meverywhere.”

I could see the fear in his eyes. The pulse at the base of his throat was rapidly beating. I wouldn’t be surprised if his heart didn’t pop right out of his chest and land at my feet like a little useless gift.

I cracked my knuckles and then swung out, hitting him so hard, his chair toppled to the floor. He gritted his teeth, blood immediately trickling from the corner of his mouth. I made a waving motion, and one of my guards stepped forward into the light.


“Untie him. I want him to fight back.”

He nodded once, not even blinking at my request, and set to work untying Frederick. I pulled my gun and knife out, handing them off to one of my other guards. Frederick shakily stood to his feet, his eyes darting around the room, searching for an exit.

“They’re all blocked,” I told him in a bored tone. “Your only way out of here is to kill me.” I opened my arms, waving my fingers at him, taunting him. “Come on. I don’t have a single weapon on me.”

He charged at me, but he was sloppy, and I easily dodged him before gripping him by his hair. I lifted my knee, slamming his face into it. The crunch of bone in his face was satisfying to my enraged soul. I released him and stood back.

I was toying with him. It was a game, and he knew it. Just as he knew he wasn’t making it out of here alive.

“That all you got, Frederick?” I asked him. He just seethed at me, his nose crooked, blood pouring from it. “Your daughter can handle more. She’s had bruises on her ass from the paddling I gave her—”

That worked. He charged at me again, and this time, I let him take me down to the floor. Then, when he reared back to hit me, I flipped us over and began pummeling my fists into his face. I shoved them against his ribs, hitting with enough force to break multiple ones. He screamed and begged for mercy, but I didn’t give it.