Page 23 of Make You Mine

“I want you—badly. Never doubt that, baby girl. But you also have needs I need to take care of, such as food and hydration.”

I licked my lips. “So, you don’t only get turned on by taking women against their will?”

He slid his hand between my slightly parted thighs, and I gasped, my body jerking in response to his gentle touch to my clit right over my panties. “I don’t recall you being so unwilling, baby girl. Your mouth said one thing,” he lightly pinched my clit, and my eyes fluttered for a moment, a moan spilling from my lips, “but your body said something entirely different.”

He removed his hand, and my eyes snapped back open. He stabbed another piece of pancake, and without being prompted, I opened my mouth, allowing him to feed me another bite. He sipped at his coffee as I chewed, and before he could feed me another bite, I spoke again.

“The other women at the club—were they sold to you, too?”

He shook his head and picked up a piece of bacon, feeding it to me before cleaning his fingers on a napkin. “No. Every woman that is there, they are there because they want to be. I am not in the business of selling and buying women, Natalia. You were a mere payment because your father was desperate to not be killed.”

I choked, and he slapped my back hard, making me cough up the meat I’d accidentally swallowed. Silently, he handed me my orange juice, and I greedily gulped some down.

“You were going tokillhim?” I asked incredulously. I knew my father had sold me, and while I definitely did not wish to ever see him again, I also didn’t want himdead.

A single brow rose. “I am not in the business of just giving things away, Natalia.”

“But you wouldn’t even see the money if he was dead!” I exclaimed.

He sighed as if I were annoying him. I frowned, not at all pleased with the direction I’d taken this conversation, but hekilledpeople. I was supposed to be okay with that?

“Natalia, you also do not get me the money I am owed.” His response chilled me to my bones. I tensed in his lap. He drummed his fingers on the table, his eyes never leaving my face. “I kill people if I do not get what is rightfully mine. Theonlyreason I allowed you to be traded is because I knew without a single doubt that had I not, you would have just been given to someone else he owes money to. And trust me, baby girl, there are a lot. Your father is a man on the run.”

I lurched up from his lap, shaking my head. “Then why put me through what you did?” I demanded, tears welling in my eyes. “You had me so confused. Youhurtme. You weren’t kind, and no one ever told me what was happening.”

He stood as well, his movements calm and controlled. I backed up a step, but he reached out and latched a hand around my arm before yanking me forward. I crashed against his chest, my feet slipping, but his tight grip around my upper arm kept me stable.

“Watch your tone with me, Natalia. I did it because you arenevergoing anywhere without me. You aremine. My property. My toy.My woman.” My chest heaved, my mind spinning. “Every breath in your lungs, every beat of your heart, every emotion, every tear, every single bit of fucking happiness, it ismineto give you and totakefrom you. Do I make myself clear?”

Tears spilled down my cheeks. His words weren’t sweet or kind. They were laced with cruelty.

“Fuck. You.”

He sighed and released me. But before I could make a single move, he grabbed my braid and then spun me around to face the table before shoving me down. I bucked and screamed, but he held firm, keeping me immobilized.

“You were doing so well, baby girl. Ever heard the term curiosity killed the cat?” he taunted, bending over so he was whispering in my ear.

“I hate you,” I seethed.

He kicked my feet apart and then cupped my soaked panties, a cruel laugh spilling from his lips. “Do you, baby girl? Sure as fuck doesn’t feel like it.”

I sobbed, squeezing my eyes shut, hating that my body always betrayed me when he acted like this. “Why do you keep doing this?”

“Because you’re mine, Natalia.”

I shook my head, but he pulled on my braid. Pain sliced through my scalp, and I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, biting back a sob.

“I hate this,” I whispered, my voice breaking. I was so lost. So confused. Why did I still want him when he was being so cruel and claiming me like a kid claimed a toy?

“I don’t think you do, baby girl. I think you’re confused, but you don’t hate this. You don’t hate it one fucking bit, do you?” He brushed his lips along my throat, and a moan slipped past my lips. “There it is. Tell me what youreallyfeel, Natalia. Ignore what your mind says youneedto feel and instead focus on me. Focus on your body.” He sucked the lobe of my ear into his mouth before biting it. I whimpered. “Tell me, baby girl.”

I shuddered. Life was cruel and fucked up, and it kept twisting me all around.

But at least with him, I sort of knew where I stood.

I was his. And honestly, when I really thought about it, it was as simple as that.

Somehow, I knew that with him, everything else would cease to matter.