Page 10 of Make You Mine

“I hope Lucifer fuckingdestroysyou for putting the man you care about in that position.”

Then, I splattered his fucking brains everywhere.



Ididn’t understand my body’s reaction toSir. Why did I respond to him like that? I hated him. Ididn’twant him to touch me. Yet, my pussy wept for him like a fucking rushing river.

Was that normal? Was it even okay for me to like what he did to me? I was always a vanilla kind of woman. Lay down, spread my legs, get fucked. Maybe let a guy hit it from behind if I was feeling especially sexy that night.

Butneverhad I let a guy do to me whatSirhad done. I’d never even let a guy eat me out. I certainly never let a guy spank me. And fuck, the shit he said to me? Despite me not wanting it, I’d craved it.

That didn’t even make sense. But hell, I didn’t even understand myself. I didn’t understand my own needs and wants anymore.

Sirwas already fucking me up, and we’d only hadone timetogether.

How was that even possible?

A light knock sounded on my room door before a key was inserted into the lock and the doorknob twisted. Darla stepped into the room, a kind smile on her face. I wanted to hate her, too, but she’d been nothing but sweet to me. She made sure I had my favorite foods, got me all the things to take comforting, soaking baths, and even brought me things to entertain myself with like books and magazines.

It was hard to hate someone who was trying to make my stay here more comfortable. And I’d done nothing but make her life hell my first few days here. But in my defense, I hadn’t known she wasn’t responsible for my being here.


He was the reason behindallthis bullshit.

“Someone has purchased you for the night,” she said softly. “What you’re wearing is fine.”

“Wasn’t planning on changing anyway,” I muttered, following her out of the room. I didn’t have much of a choice. If I didn’t come, then one of the security guys would come into my room andmakeme leave. I’d tried it once—never again. At least if I walked out on my own, I had my dignity and pride intact.

I fucking hated this place as much as I hated that bastard keeping me here.

A man was waiting at the end of the hall. His hair was as dark as his eyes, and he looked pleased at the sight of me. Guess he had better enjoy that while he could because he was about to realize that I was a real fucking pain in the ass.

No manwas going to make me submit.

Sir can, that sadistic little demon in my head spoke up.

I ignored that little voice and allowed the man to lead me into the room. When he grabbed my arm, I wrenched it from his grip, glaring at him. He growled, his eyes flashing with anger. “I’m not playing games, and I don’t like brats, little girl. I suggest you comply.”

“Fuck. You,” I seethed.

He grabbed my arm again, this time to the point it hurt, and dragged me over to a table. He then gripped the back of my neck, applying a painful amount of pressure to force me onto my knees. I hissed, my knees making a sickening thud with the hard floor before he took a seat in front of me.

I glared at him, my chest heaving with rage.Fuck this asshole. He had no idea just how miserable I could make his fucking night.

If I had to suffer, so did he. And anyone else who thought they could fucking break me.

“Good girl,” he praised, petting my hair like a fucking dog. I bared my teeth at him, wishing he’d fucking fall over and die. I wasn’t a goddamn animal, and I sure as fuck didn’t want to be treated like one. Fucker wasn’t even making me wet—not likeSirhad.

Fucking hell, Natalia. Forget about that douchebag.

I looked away from him, taking in the room. Obviously not liking not having my attention on him, he gripped my chin. I yanked my face back, and just as he reached forward again, I sank my teeth into his hand so hard, his blood spilled into my mouth. My stomach roiled, but I held on, glaring at him with all the malice I could muster.

He yanked his hand back, cursing up a storm. “You little fucking bitch,” he seethed quietly, narrowing his eyes at me, blood gushing from his finger.

I was pretty sure he was going to hit me, and I braced myself for it. But then, expensive leather shoes appeared in my line of vision. I followed those shoes to a pair of black slacks. Trailing my eyes up, my heart began to race.