Page 16 of Blowing Things Up

“We’re about to find out.”

But no one else comes. At least not for now. Brian checks his weapons. He’s more strapped than I thought he was. Three guns and seven extra magazines in the linings on his vest. A knife at his belt and one beside each boot. He’s also got throwing stars.

I have a couple of guns on thigh holsters besides the one in my hand. And eight extra magazines—all the same caliber so I don’t panic and forget what I have stashed where. I’ve also got throwing stars which I’ve gotten a lot better at using, and a knife in one boot, but with power and size differences I’m better off with the stars than a knife. I’m too outmatched in hand-to-hand combat to rely on weapons so intimate.

“We could just leave,” I say, hopefully.

Brian raises a brow but says nothing.

“We could pick another target.”

“No. They’re moving in on our business. I don’t like their style. They’re drawing too much heat. I want them out of our territory. And you know two are paid contracts. I never go back on a contract.”

Technically these guys are running a human trafficking ring, so it’s not exactly as if we’re running comparable businesses. And Idowant to kill these slime balls.

The women at our house want to be there, and we don’t just sell them to any random person with the money to buy. We’re playing kinky matchmaker with safeguards in place. Think sugar babies and trophy wives but with whips and chains. Still maybe not the most reputable or moral business and certainly not legal, but it’s not quite the same as kidnapping terrified women from lives already in progress.

“We’ve got plenty of firepower,” I say, reassuring myself, because I’m starting to waver even though I just asked to leave. Being reminded of who these shit stains are has renewed my resolve.

“Yeah. So do they. And this isn’t a controlled situation like last time.”

He’s referencing when I rescued him at Easter.

“You think last time was controlled?” I ask.

He smirks. “I thought you handled yourself.”

“Thanks.” I try to go for flip—heroes laughing in the face of their doom—but his compliment hits me deep and sends a flush of pleasure through me.

“Come with me, we need to scope it out.”

I follow behind him, my gun out and ready. My heart is pounding so fast, worrying someone could jump out at us at any moment. It’s like being in a haunted house, and I’m not great with the jump scare.

We move stealthily down the emergency stairwell to the first floor lobby and stop outside the security office.

“Get my back, but don’t be a hero,” he says.

“I mean, after saving your ass twice, is it really a thrill anymore?”

He chuckles. “You like my ass.”

He’s not wrong, especially in these pants. I give him a good slow once over. There are benefits to being with a psychopath gym rat.

He kicks in the door. So dramatic. But no one’s in there.

“You knew there was nobody in here. You shot them.”

“You noticed their uniforms,” he says, pleased.

“I mean, after they were already on the ground, but yeah.”

He’s just showing off now.

“So the first guy must have been from upstairs and saw the elevator light moving,” I say.

“That was my thought.”

We sit in the guard chairs. I swivel around in mine while Brian toggles the screens checking the building.