The first time we made love.

The day we found out she was pregnant.

The night I showed at the shed.

Memory after memory rolls through my brain, all of them leading up to this moment. The final thought that races through my mind before she lowers her mouth to mine is if I can convince her to marry me in the next couple of weeks.

Is that too much to ask?

Chapter 27


I swing into Pierce’s driveway, my stomach coiled in knots. His truck is already here, which means Cole and Maya are inside. I’d hoped to get here first and have time to set the stage, and possibly shoot back some liquid encouragement.

It’s been ten days since Pierce and I got engaged, and we’ve sworn our families to secrecy until we tell the children. It was my advice for him to tell them alone in case they had questions or got upset. Of course, he didn’t agree and wanted to do it as soon as possible. Our schedules have been crazy, and Connie planned a small vacation that took them away for almost a week.

Tonight’s the night.

I twirl the ring on my finger, glancing down at the magnificent diamond solitaire surrounded by two outer bands of diamonds. Even though I haven’t been wearing it often, trying to keep our news under wraps, it feels like it’s a part of me. Runner paws up on the console and nudges my shoulder, whimpering. “Okay, boy, let’s do this, but be ready to scram if tears ensue.”

He nods as if he understands me, jumping into the driver’s seat and trailing me out. I watch him sniff around the hedges and nearly jump out of my skin when I’m hoisted from behind. Pierce’s soft stubble tickles my neck as his teeth nip at my ear. “You get it out of your system?”


“We were in the living room and saw you pull around. I got tired of waiting for you to get out of your truck. I’m assuming you were in freak-out mode.”

“I’m not sure it’s all out of my system.”

“Good thing I’ve got your back.” He squeezes and places me back on my feet. “Come on, Runner. Let’s go inside.”

Runner’s the first one up the back steps, waggling inside like he belongs.

“Darby’s here,” Pierce announces from the kitchen.

“We know, Dad. We saw her pull up.” Cole calls back.

“Well, get your butt up and come greet her.” Pierce keeps his arm draped around my shoulder.

Maya makes it to the kitchen first, coming to give me a hug and edging her dad out of the way. “Hey.”

“How was your vacation?” I get out before Cole runs in, tackling my other side.

I’m completely engulfed with Kendricks, and my heart skips a beat. Could it be this easy? Was I worried over nothing?

“It was fun. We didn’t go to the beach, but the mountains are cool,” Cole answers, stepping back, clearly done with the affection.

“I love the mountains.”

“Aren’t you about to move to the mountains?” Maya unlatches from me as well, moving back a few feet.

“I guess you could say that. I’m going to be living at a ski resort. There are mountains everywhere.”

“Dad says we’re going to come to visit and learn to ski. He’s going to try to bring us during Christmas break.”

This is the first I’ve heard of it, but I’m not surprised. Pierce was not happy when I explained it would be impossible for me to come home for the holidays this year.

“That will be awesome.” I lay my head on his chest.

“I’m gonna kill it on the slopes.” Cole swishes his arms and juts his hips side to side to mimic being on skis.

“When are you leaving?” Maya looks shyly at Pierce, who tenses.

“In three weeks. That’s why I was a little late today. I had to ship some things.”

“I thought you were driving your stuff?” Cole’s eyebrows pull together.

“I am driving what I can, but I still have to ship a ton of boxes.”

“What about your furniture?”

“I’m moving into a fully furnished apartment on the property. My truck can only hold so much, and with Runner and whatever passenger I have, I won’t have much room.”

The mood changes, the reality of my situation hanging in the air. Pierce picks up on it, positioning me in front of him, pressing his front to my back, and linking our hands to wrap around my middle. His thumb runs across my ring. He does this often, as if he’s making sure it’s really there. They don’t seem to notice the subtle action.

“Darby and I want to discuss something with you guys. Take a seat.”

They climb on stools, fixated on him.

“Darby’s move is not going to be permanent. We’re hoping the opportunity to return here comes next spring, but we’re unsure of the timeline.”

“Cool!” Cole exclaims. “You’re not going away for good?”