“All right.”

“How are you doing with all this?” Jill asks softly.

“The better question is, how do you think I’m doing? Two months ago, if you told me I’d be in this position, I’d have laughed hysterically.”

“I think you’re a champ. This is hard, but Pierce is very happy.”

“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but he doesn’t take resistance very well.”

She feigns shock, popping her hand over her mouth in an exaggerated motion. “Pierce? My Pierce? The sweet little boy that bulldozed his way into this world and hasn’t stopped since? The same darling that won’t take no for an answer and has the temper of a caged lion when provoked? Not to mention, when he wants something, he stops at nothing? That Pierce?”

Lynda and I both giggle. “That would be him.”

“I blame it solely on Warren. Both my boys inherited their father’s tenacity and grit. Admittedly, Pierce is a bit more aggressive in his nature.”

“Is aggressive your polite way of saying hot-blooded and headstrong?”

“Maybe a little.” She winks.

“Darby, all joking aside, you didn’t answer the question. How are you feeling about everything?” Lynda asks.

Damn Lynda and her intimate knowledge of the Grahams’ evasion tactics. She eyes me gently, and I know there’s no dodging this.

“I was nowhere near ready for this step. Pierce was determined to make it happen.”

“It is a big step.”

“Lynda, this is going to sound crazy, but meeting them makes it all too real. Obviously, I’ve always known he has children, but I was able to protect myself by insulating my life. Staying away was my solution. Returning to Charleston was always a temporary measure. I had a life and business in Charlotte that I could easily go back to. The Brasher offer was on the table, which was weighing heavily on my mind. In a way, I used Mom’s accident as an excuse to come home, clear my head, and make decisions about my future. Never did I anticipate the turn of events with Pierce. As a matter of fact, I decided to take the Brasher offer the night I ran into your family at Rosen’s.” I briefly glance at Jill then back to Lynda. “Seeing Pierce, Connie, and the kids in the parking lot shattered that insulation I’d built. Any nagging thoughts of staying in Charleston died that night.”

Jill’s eyes widen and pool with tears. “That was a very tense night for all of us.”

“Ironically, seeing all of you broke something in me, and I confronted Pierce with the truth. I guess you could say it set the ball in motion for where we are today.”

“Sweetie, you carried those demons around for too long. It was time you told him,” Lynda adds.

“Well, a lot was said that night, including his confession of how Connie got pregnant. It was not pretty.”

“Warren and I have never understood how Pierce messed up so badly. He was in a terribly dark place, and no one could get through to him. We decided early on to do what is best for Maya and Cole.”

“They’re your grandchildren. Of course, you do what’s best for them.”

“Pierce is not going to let Connie do anything to ruin this second chance with you.”

“Maybe not.” I shrug nonchalantly.

“But?” Lynda pushes with an arched eyebrow.

“But what?”

“There’s a ‘but’ in there.”

“Not necessarily. Pierce has been completely honest about his dislike of Connie. But even knowing she got pregnant through carelessness doesn’t change the fact that he has kids with her. And, I’m not sure I’m strong enough to put myself in a position that comes with that kind of responsibility.”

“Give it a chance. You may be surprised. You’re one of the strongest women I know.” She reaches for my hand.

“Thank you for that. I think I’m doing pretty well, considering a few days ago, the mention of meeting his children prompted a panic attack. And, last night, coming face to face with Cole almost caused me to faint.”

“The children loved being there last night. They thought it was amazing.” Jill tries to sound upbeat.

“If you say so. Maya distanced herself and hasn’t said ten words to me today. Cole is so much like Pierce; it’s unreal.”

“I’m picking up very mixed signals here. Pierce led me to believe you two had worked things out and talked about the future. Until this conversation, I was under the impression you wanted these things as well.”

“I love Pierce with all my heart. I always have. Jill, he believes there is a future for us and is hellbent on proving it. I am willing to try, but I’m skeptical.”

“Have you told him this?”

“A hundred times!” I semi-laugh. “He’s not listening.”

“You two are meant to be, Darby. He’s never been as happy as he is with you. I’m not sure he’ll survive if you leave him again.”

I wince at the sting of her words. “I’m not a confused twenty-one-year-old with a head full of conflicting emotions anymore. There will be no sneaking away without an explanation. We know I’m about to launch a new stage of my career. He’s supportive and excited for me. But the truth remains; his life, his career, and his family are here. The logical part of my brain is telling me to be realistic. I’m going into this with my eyes wide open.”