Page 28 of Alessio

I slide down between her thighs and lift her legs over my shoulders, pressing my face unceremoniously in her cunt, tasting her wet hole. Fuck, I could eat her pussy every single day. She doesn’t take long to coat my short scruffy beard with her sticky release. It almost doesn’t make me want to shave ever again. I lick her up and wipe my face before pulling off my boxers because it’s time to slide into her warmth.

With the quick disposal of our clothes, I line up our bodies and claim her womb again, slipping my length deep inside. She moans, and her tight walls flex around me. Although I tore her open yesterday, they’re even tighter now. Fuck, my poor woman’s sore, but she clings to me as I drive into her itty-bitty slit that’s going to bring us blessing after blessing.

“June, I’m going to fill you up with our sons. I want little roses like you, but for now, I need some strong sons to look after you and our little girls.”

“Sounds good, as long as you’re by my side as well.”

“I’m not going anywhere. The devil will have to drag me from your side.” My mouth latches onto her throat, kissing and marking her as mine. We grind slowly as work in and out of her pussy until I feel her work into another orgasm. “You’re mine, and I’m forever yours.” I let go and fill her up.

Chapter Fourteen


Alessio is being extremely weird, weirder than normal. I’m used to his hot and cold, but this is frantic, nervous behavior, as if he’s trying to get me away from the mansion and away from my apartment. I haven’t been able to get ahold of my sister since yesterday. She contacted me and said that she had to help a friend and would be gone for a bit, but I didn’t expect her to have absolutely no contact with me. It’s freaking me out, but Alessio keeps reminding me that my sister told me she’d contact me when she was ready.

My patience is running thin. I’m losing my mind with worry, or maybe it’s more about the fact that I’m not as worried as I should be. Guilt fills me as I think about being with Alessio, who hasn’t left me alone for more than an hour at a time. He’s been wonderful and I’m madly in love with the man, so I can’t fathom leaving for even a moment. It kills me that I can’t fight this attraction for even a minute to care that he’s a mobster.

“Where are you, my little rose?” he calls out, sounding a bit concerned.

“Right here?” I call out from the kitchen while making a cup of coffee. He comes in, dressed fully in a suit.

“You’re going somewhere?” I ask, visibly addressing his fully dressed appearance and waving my hand up and down at his clothes. He’s been pretty relaxed for the past two days that I’ve been in his home, keeping the suits tucked away.

He presses his lips firmly together before sighing. “Yes, I have some work to handle. I’ll be back in a little while.”

Chipper and anxious to check on my sister, I smile. “Well, I can head back to the mansion and go to work, or go back to my apartment and get a change of clothes or something.” Since he’s taking a break from me and him, it only makes sense that I get away for a bit too. I’m feeling a little bit trapped. It’s one thing to be here with him, but it’s another thing when he leaves and I’m all by my lonesome with no one to talk to. I’ve always had the girls. Now, I have no one.

“No, that’s not going to work. You need to stay put.” His tone isn’t playful. I’m not prepared for it, but I don’t let it show that my feelings are hurt by his dismissal.

Instead, my snarky personality that he has dealt with before is back in full force. “Why? What’s the big deal? It’s not like I work for you anyway. Just because we’re fucking doesn’t mean anything.”

Annoyance spreads from his grimace to his thick, well-maintained eyebrows. “Your apartment was ransacked.”

My hands shake, and I nearly tip over the coffee cup on the counter beside me. “What? When? Was May there? Is she safe? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Your sister’s safe, and this is why I didn’t tell you,” he tells me like my panic isn’t a bit rational. Hell, my stuff has been fucked with. My things possibly taken, my sister probably harmed, and he knew about it.

“Is that why you’ve kept me here?”

“I kept you here because I want your ass naked and thoroughly fucked day in and day out. I want you carrying my baby so you can’t leave when you learn the full extent of the fucked-up shit I do for a living.”

“Do you hurt women and children?” I ask, knowing that he’s not like that. There’s just something about him, telling more than words can say.


“Innocent people?”


“Then I can look past the other shit, and that knowledge kind of scares me, but you make me feel something I can’t explain.” I press my hand on his chest and do my best to calm down. It’s too much: the hunger, the lust when he looks at me with such need, telling me how much he wants to breed me. There’s nothing hotter than hearing that.

“Well, sometimes there are things I can’t explain. Like when I need to leave to work and why I need your little ass to stay put.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do all day until you get back?” I press, irritation growing again. Am I growing too attached to this man? This is pathetic. Maybe I need a job, college, a hobby, or something to keep myself from thinking about him twenty-four hours a day.

“There’s a library, my office that you found so comfortable before. A gaming room if you really want to hang out in there. I’d say there’s a pool, but you don’t have a swimsuit.”

“I could go naked.”