My heart jumps as I think of Oliver, damn near messing up my mascara as I do so. We had been together for longer than I’d like, and I had broken up with him because the red flags kept popping up, too often to be ignored. Living in ignorance was hurting no one but myself. And once I finally ended things, I thought that it would be a long time until I let myself trust someone else like that, let them in the way I did with Oliver and turned to regret it. I’m not saying I’m there with Leo yet, to trust him so inexplicably and fully, but I don’t want my past experience with Oliver to cloud what I could potentially have with Leo. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us.

So open mind and open heart. Even if it’s frightening.

When my makeup is finished, I put on the dress I got with Andrea, adding to it with a simple gold chain around my neck and small hoop earrings and brushing my hair out. Looking at myself in the mirror, I run my hands down my sides, exhaling slowly as a way to calm my excited pulse. I’m not sure what to do for shoes, since we aren’t going anywhere, but the outfit feels incomplete without proper shoes to go with it. So, with a shrug, I put on a pair of simple black heels, nothing too outrageous, and easy to walk in.

Once I am ready, I take a breath and walk out of the guest house, heading towards the backdoor of the main house and entering. Immediately, I’m hit with the delicious aroma of what smells like pasta, making my stomach rumble. Before I can take more than two steps into the hallway, Leo appears from the entranceway that leads into the dining room, and as my heart jumps and a smile touches my lips, I notice that he changed his clothes, too.

Black pants and a dark red button down tucked in, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The material stretches across his broad chest and shoulders, tall and handsome as he approaches me, and the butterflies in my stomach intensify at the way he looks at me. Light brown eyes do a slow, purposeful perusal of me as Leo comes closer, like he is admiring every inch of me, and my skin fires up everywhere his stare touches.

I hold my breath when he stands right in front of me, tilting my head back to keep my gaze on his, and then Leo gives me a slow, sexy grin before simply saying, “You look gorgeous.” Heat spreads through my entire body, not just my cheeks, especially when Leo’s fingers give a gentle tug to the very short hem of the dress, dangerously close to where I ache for him. “And this dress. . .”

He blows out a breath, giving a single shake of his head, and despite my fluttering pulse, I find myself grinning a little. “Thanks for giving me a reason to wear it,” I say teasingly.

Leo’s gaze touches mine and his grin softens a little. “I should be the one thanking you, honey.” I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth at the term of endearment that slips from his mouth so naturally. It doesn’t do anything to calm the frenzy in my chest. “Come on—dinner’s ready.”

He takes my hand in his, bigger than my own, more callused from years of playing football, but warm and comforting as I let him lead me to the dining room. My heels click on the floor, and a quiet breath escapes me when I take note of the food set up on the dining table, the bottle of wine, and even the candles at the center of the table.

Oh, my God. He set up an actual candlelit dinner for the two of us.

I think I fell for him a little bit more just now.

“Wow,” I breathe out as he leads me to the table, a gentle laugh escaping me. “You didn’t have to go through the trouble, Leo.”

He throws me a look over his shoulder. “What trouble?” he scoffs, making my smile widen a little.

He pulls the chair at the head of the table out for me before sitting to my right, my stomach still fluttering wildly. The food in front of us looks great—chicken alfredo pasta with a bowl of salad, grilled peppers, and a basket of perfectly toasted bread. The aroma is delicious, and my smile grows as I ask, “You made all of this?”

Leo grins. “Again with the surprise,” he chastises jokingly, making me laugh and blush at the same time. “I’ve been known to cook a meal or two.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Without Marty’s help?” I playfully ask, laughing once more when he throws me a faux insulted look. “Just kidding,” I add sweetly.

He shakes his head with a soft laugh, reaching for the wine bottle and opening it. After he pours some into both of our glasses, Leo puts the bottle down and says, “I’m sorry we can’t go out—”

“Leo, stop,” I cut him off with a gentle laugh, interrupting him before he can repeat his unnecessary apology. His eyes meet mine, and I give him a sincere yet reassuring smile, my hand moving on its own accord to rest on his arm. His skin is comfortingly warm against mine, an electric charge rushing through me at the contact. “This is exactly right,” I say, gaze pointedly flicking to the spread before us before going back to him. “I honestly prefer this than sitting at a restaurant.”

His gaze meets mine and he smiles a little. “Too many eyes?” he guesses.

“Yeah,” I answer truthfully. Giving his arm a squeeze, I add, “But here, it’s just me and you. And that’s all I could ask for.”

Leo stares at me for a moment before dipping his chin in a nod, realizing that I am being completely honest. “Okay, then,” he says quietly before his smile widens. “Let’s eat.” He gestures for me to help myself first, filling his plate after me. “I’m not going to lie,” Leo speaks up as I take my first bite of pasta. It tastes as delicious as it smells. Ofcoursehe can cook well. “I can’t remember the last time I went on a date.”

I arch a brow, a smile tugging at my mouth. “What about Jocelyn?” I ask, suppressing the laugh that threatens to bubble up off his mildly exasperated look.

“Maybe everyone else went with the mindset of it being a double date, but I didn’t,” he informs me. “And then when I saw you later that night, I was hard pressed to think about anyone else.”

My throat tightens at his words, heat pulsing through me. That was the night we had almost kissed, so I know Leo means it. And his little bit of honesty, encourages me to admit to him, “Iwasjealous that night.” Leo’s eyes meet mine, and the warmth in my cheeks amps up a degree. “I knew I had no reason to be because who you go out with is none of my business. But I was. And it freaked me out.”

“Why’d it freak you out?” Leo asks curiously.

A breathless laugh escapes me, twirling the pasta around my fork. “Because you were—youaremy boss, Leo. There’s a good chance this could end badly.”

I flinch at my own words, silently cursing myself for spectacularly bringing the mood down on our first date. Realistically, I know Leo is aware of all of the shit that can happen if people found out about us, especially if I’m working as his nanny. I can only imagine the comments made and articles that would be published. I don’t normally look at tabloids like that, not really in tune with entertainment news unless it’s about a celebrity whose work I’m obsessed with or television show or movie news. But if an article aboutmeis published, how can I beat my, arguably morbid, curiosity?

I drop my gaze to my plate, jaw clenching momentarily before I mumble a quiet, “I’m sorry.”

“Hey,” Leo says, putting his fork down so his right hand can cover my left. I force my gaze up to meet his, and to my relief, I don’t see anything but softness and reassurance in his light brown eyes. “You have nothing to apologize for. I know it’s—” He releases a breath, shaking his head. “I know it’s not the most. . . uncomplicated situation.”

“But I want it,” I tell him—reassure him, really. I don’t want him to think what I said has me second guessing our situation, even if it may have incorrectly sounded like that. I turn my hand from under his so I’m holding onto his hand the way he is holding onto mine, the comfort in his touch not lost on me. With a small smile, I say, “I know it can get messy and complicated, but I’m willing to try. I want to.”