Alex’s throat works, looking up at me with bright blue eyes that are so damn easy to get lost in. I don’t break the gaze, knowing she is looking for something in my eyes, and I think she has found it when a faint smile blooms at her mouth. “If we do this,” she begins breathlessly. “Thennoone can know. We can’t risk it getting out. And… and I think you’ll agree that we keep this away from Lilah, too. I wouldn’t want her to get confused.”
Something akin to delight and anticipation stirs low in my stomach, pulse humming at the realization that Alex is actually agreeing to do this. It mixes with my appreciation of her considering my daughter in all of this. I tip Alex’s head back slightly, her mouth tilting towards mine, only inches of space in between us. “It’ll be just you and me as we figure things out. I promise.”
Alex releases a breath, nodding. I can see the nerves in her eyes, but they brighten all the same, lips twitching like she can’t keep herself from smiling. I’m in the same boat, the corners of my own mouth curving upwards, heat coursing through me when Alex tentatively presses her lips to mine in another kiss.
We both may be in over our heads, but we are willing to give this a try, and it’s more than I could ask for.
All I gotta do is keep it from the guys, especially because I have a feeling they would have some things to say if they found out I did probably the opposite of what they expected of me. I talked to Alex, like they suggested, but the result was most likely not what they imagined. But it’s what Alex and I both want, and that’s all that matters.
Ihave always been a rule follower. At home, in school, in my work—it is ingrained into me to do things by the book, to not ruffle feathers or cause waves. The idea of getting in any kind of serious trouble with very real repercussions makes me nauseous. It’s easier to follow the rules, in my opinion. Always has been.
Until Leo fucking Mackenzie.
One almost kiss from him, and I’m throwing caution to the damn wolves. And when we actually kissed? All bets were off. The feel of his soft but firm lips, the delicious scratch of his facial hair against my skin, the sensual slide of his tongue as he held me close—how can Inotwant more after getting a taste? Even though I know all of the reasons why I shouldn’t, why it’s a bad idea. There are so many ways it could go wrong—especially for me, as selfish as that sounds. But it’s realistic.
Leo is a beloved NFL player, with millions of fans across the country, and a man. If, somehow, people found out about us even kissing the one time we did, then there is no doubt in my mind that I am the one who will come under fire, not him.
And still. . .
Still, Iwanthim. For all intents and purposes, I want to give things a try, explore this thing that has been brimming between us that I have been purposely ignoring for the sake of my job, and for Lilah. It’s electric, magnetic, demands to be acknowledged and explored. Part of me so badly wants to talk to Sara about it, to have someone as a listening ear. But Leo and I made a deal that we wouldn’t say anything to anyone—that includes Sara, and his close friends as well. It’s just the two of us, and as unnerving as it is, it’s also kind of fucking exciting.
Even if we might be in over our heads.
Case in point—I am currently out shopping with Lilah and Andrea, Leo’s sister. She had wanted to go shopping for herself and Lilah, and asked me to come along, and I like Andrea. She’s sweet, and I haven’t seen much of her since I started working as Lilah’s nanny, so spending time with her could be fun. Even though I am harboring the secret of having made out with her brother.
“This istoocute,” Andrea gushes, holding up a lilac colored sweater dress for a little girl. Turning to Lilah, who I am pushing around in a stroller, she asks, “Do you like this, Lilah?”
The three-year-old reaches out to touch the dress, smiling as she nods. “Yeah. It’s soft.”
I share a grin with Andrea, who drapes the dress along her arm on top of the few other items we both picked out for Lilah. Nearby, Allen, the security detail Leo had come with us, lingers on high alert. The guy comes with us when we go to busy and crowded places—like the mall—in case someone recognizes Andrea and Lilah as Leo’s family. There is no telling what kind of people we are around—which is a scary thought, but taking precautions is necessary, especially with a kid.
“Shopping for kids is so much more fun than shopping for myself,” Andrea remarks with a sigh, sifting through a rack of cute little denim overalls. “But Leo will get annoyed if I come back with zero shopping for myself.”
The mention of Leo makes my heart foolishly flip, grip on the stroller bar tightening for a moment. Even just his name gets a reaction out of me, and I need to get that under control unless I want to end up giving us away before we have even gotten the chance to start. “Really?” I ask her casually. “How come?”
Andrea rolls her eyes with a huff. She looks so much like her brother, but her features are far softer, sweeter in comparison to Leo’s ruggedness. “He’s always complaining that I never do anything for myself,” she explains, shaking her head almost fondly. “Spending too much time concerning myself with others than myself.”
A small, empathetic smile tugs at my mouth. I tilt my head and ask softly, “Do you?”
She meets my gaze and lets out a quiet laugh. “I guess,” she admits, running her hand along a tulle skirt. “It’s easier that way, you know? Stressing about my own life is so tiring. Way less fun,” she adds with a little grin, trying to play it off. But there’s a heaviness in her eyes I haven’t seen before, and it tugs at my chest.
I know Andrea is setting up her new business venture, the café slash bookstore she is opening up. It’s the reason why they ended up hiring me in the first place, because Andrea couldn’t dedicate her time to looking after Lilah anymore, not when she has a new business to set up. I know Leo is super excited for her and can’t wait for the grand opening. I’ve heard him tell Andrea that he is always around to help in any way in case she needs it, though I don’t think she has taken him up on that offer yet.
Quietly, I say, “If you ever need someone to talk to—” I shrug, offering a small, close mouthed smile as her gaze meets mine. “I can be a good listening ear.”
A smile curves her mouth, and I don’t miss the gratitude that flashes in her eyes. “Thank you. I appreciate that,” she says with a dip of her chin.
We continue around the store for a little while longer, before heading towards the register where Andrea pays for the cute little clothes we each selected for Lilah. The next couple of stores we go to, we shop for Lilah but also for ourselves—which is harder than I expected for Andrea to do. She will keep gravitating towards the kid’s section, or if she does select other clothes, she will tell me to try them on. She hadn’t been kidding—she really does hate shopping for herself.
“Thiswould look amazing on you,” I insist, taking a deep purple colored jumpsuit off the rack and holding it out to Andrea. It is satin with a front corset that has straps that tie at the shoulders, with slits at the hem of the pants. I practically shove it at Andrea’s chest. “You need to try it on.”
Andrea’s eyes widen a little, holding onto the clothing item so it doesn’t fall to the floor when I let go of it. “Oh, God—no, I can’t wear this,” she says with a shake of her head, alarmed.
“Yes, you can,” I say with a firm nod.