The house is quiet when I walk inside, unsurprising given that it is nearly ten at night. It isn’t completely dark, and light bleeds into the foyer farther down from where the entryway into the living room is. My footsteps are quiet as I walk over, and take in a quiet breath at the sight of Alexandra—or Alex, as she prefers to be called—sitting on the couch, lost in the book she is reading. But her sense of awareness is sharp, because as soon as I emerge, she is looking up and her blue eyes are locking with my light brown ones.

She smiles, and I tell myself that the sight is nothing but nice. Because nice is general, nice is polite and friendly—nice is safe. And I cannot afford to think of Alex’s smile as anything other than those things because she is my kid’s nanny, and thinking of her in any way other than that would be horribly cliché.

“Welcome home,” Alex says, placing a bookmark in her book but not closing it. Over her shoulder, I see the baby monitor on the coffee table, a small screen that shows Lilah sleeping peacefully in her bed. My heart tugs at the sight of my daughter, needing to go see her immediately even if she is asleep. My attention is dragged back to Alex as she asks me, “Do you want me to heat some food up for you?”

Her question is innocent and kind, but it still makes my skin prickle slightly. I arch an eyebrow and remind her, “I’m not the one you’re here to look after, Alex.”

She smiles because, well,of courseshe does. That is the first thing I noticed about her when my sister Andrea introduced Alex to me as Lilah’s potential live-in nanny. That Alex smiled, and she did it a lot, and I guess it makes sense when she professionally works with little kids. No child would want to be around someone who was scowling all the time. But Alex’s smile… if sunshine could be personified, it would be in her grin. The thought had been kind of unnerving, and I had tried to push it away immediately.

But Alex has been with us for almost a month now, and sometimes the sight of her in my house still takes me by surprise. For a long time, Andrea dedicated herself to looking after Lilah when I couldn’t. My sister worked as a graphic designer, so she didn’t have to go into an office, so she lived with me and Lilah and when I was busy with work, she spent time with Lilah. But Andrea is finally pushing herself out of her comfort zone, going after her dream of opening a bookstore that doubles as a café, and that obviously means not having the time to be Lilah’s babysitter anymore.

Before she got lost in her work, though, Andrea took it upon herself to search for and vet potential live-in nannies for Lilah, essentially to take her place, despite my protests. The idea of a stranger looking after my kid, even if that’s their job, had been a little unsettling. But then Andrea brought Alex by, and she and Lilah immediately clicked, and I would have been an idiot to say no.

Now, though, as Alex smiles at me in a way that I remind myself is only professional and friendly, I wish we’d gone with a nanny who was far older than me. Instead of Alex, who I know is a good ten years younger than me.Fuck.

“I know,” Alex says in response to my statement. She raises her eyebrows and continues somberly, “But if you die of starvation, I don’t get paid.”

Her words threaten to startle a laugh out of me. In the near month Alex has been working for us, she has the tendency to take me completely by surprise. Her sarcastic, dry comments completely contrast with her sunny disposition, but she balances it well, and I find myself not always knowing what to expect from her. Whenever she and Lilah are together, from what I see, they are always playing: whether Lilah pulls her in for make-believe or they are coloring or even baking.

I don’t see much of them together, given my job and how I am not home that much. And when I am, I give Alex time off so it can just be Lilah and me. But from what my daughter tells me, Alex is reallycoolandprettyandfun. Honestly, I don’t doubt it.

“I’m good,” I say dryly, making her laugh lightly. The sound is sweet. I need to get away from it. I incline my head and add, “You can turn in for the night.”

Alex hums as she shuts the book and stands up. I press my tongue to the back of my bottom teeth because almost instantly, my gaze goes right to her ass in those tight, fitted yoga pants. My teeth press together as I inhale sharply, quietly through my nose and the rational voice in my head snaps at me to look away, to not ogle my Goddamn babysitter. But those pants leave little to the imagination, showing off round, firm cheeks and thighs I can easily imagine digging my fingers into.

Fuck me, I need to get out of here.

“She only woke up once,” Alex says as she approaches me. Lilah’s been going through a phase of waking up a couple of times during the night, almost like she’s a newborn once more. Alex stops in front of me, holding out the baby monitor. Her nails are painted a pale pink color, a couple of rings decorating her fingers. “Goodnight, Leo,” she says, and I know she has to stop herself from calling mesir, which I told her not to do when she first started. I’m half afraid hearing her call me that would send me to my fucking knees.

“Goodnight,” I answer gruffly, watching as she walks out of the living room and in the direction of the backdoor, her book and phone in hand as she goes.

When the door shuts behind her, I find myself walking towards the window, watching to make sure she crosses the pathway between the backyard and the guesthouse she is now living in. It’s complete with two bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, living room, and an at-home office. It hasn’t been used much in a while, because when Andrea lived here, I sure as hell wasn’t going to have my sister stay in the guesthouse when there are plenty of rooms in the main house for her to pick from.

But, of course, it’s different for a live-in nanny. Alex already spends all of her time in the main house with Lilah; she needs her own space, and since the guesthouse wasn’t even in use, it only made sense for her to make use of it. Alex hadn’t blinked twice at it—not that I really expected her to. After doing my own background check on her and reading up on her referrals from the company we hired her from, I found out that Alex has a long list of nannying or babysitting for plenty of children of prominent figures all around Chicago. Children of politicians, celebrities, other professional athletes, and even simply wealthy people who don’t care to look after their own kids. She is highly sought after, has incredible reviews, and that had sealed the deal to hire her even after my initial hesitation on the whole nanny front. And from what I have seen so far, she remains true to the five star reviews she has racked up over the years.

When Alex shuts the guesthouse door behind her and the lights go on, I move away from the window. After making sure everything is locked, I head upstairs, quietly making my way over to Lilah’s bedroom.

She’s fast asleep when I stroll in, the only light coming from her nightlight by the bed, her chest rising and falling steadily under herTangledthemed comforter. My chest inexplicably tightens when I reach her bed, crouching down to my knees and gently pushing back strands of her dark brown hair back from her face. “Goodnight, baby,” I murmur, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.

Lilah doesn’t stir at all, and with a small smile, I walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me before heading into my own room down the hall. I flick the lights on and drop the duffel bag on the ground with a huff, rubbing a hand down my face as I toe my shoes off and head directly to the ensuite bathroom. I never feel entirely clean after showering in the locker room bathroom after a game, so taking another shower when I get home is the standard routine.

But whatisn’tthe standard routine, as the glass walls of the shower begin steaming up from the hot water that cascades around me, are the thoughts that begin to filter through my head that concern a certain blue-eyed, light-brown-haired nanny currently living in my guesthouse. The fantasies come slowly, almost creeping up on me. It starts with the image of her smile before it becomes something more, and I grit my teeth, bowing my head and feeling the hot water burn my scalp as I am greeted with the image of her ass in those fucking yoga pants.

Eyes squeezing shut, my hand trails down and a grunt escapes me as I wrap my fingers around my already hardened dick, the following groan being drowned out by the sound of the water slapping against the tiled shower floor. Giving a slow pull of my cock, I envision the way Alex smiles, full lips that push up the apple of her cheeks. My muscles tense at the thought of those same lips wrapping around me, taking me in as deep as she can, the warmth of her mouth unexplored yet highly desirable.

The water burns into my skin as my hand keeps moving up and down along my cock, and a dull ache already forms along my jaw from how hard I’m clenching it. This is a new low, a pathetic one, as I think of my daughter’s nanny, a cliché that is its own damn category on every porn website, and wonder what it would be like to have her on her knees in front of me. Or, better yet, spread out on my bed.

My fingers flex with the need to tangle them in her hair, or grip her hips as I push into her tight heat. Pulse quickening, a low curse escapes me as I imagine Alex’s pussy squeezing around me, her nails digging into my skin, hopefully leaving marks. I think of how my body could cover her small frame and full hips, how I wouldn’t want there to be an inch of space between us as my body gets to know hers, memorizing every bit of her and committing her to memory.

The tension in my muscles tightens as my hand’s movements become quicker, a little sloppier, coming close to my end that is fueled only by Alex. I squeeze my cock and pretend it is Alex’s mouth or pussy around me, and bark out another curse that gets lost in the water rushing out of the shower when my release crashes through me like a damn power washer.

Shame ices over my veins when my release is washed away into the drain, grinding my teeth together once more as I try to reconcile with the fact that I just jerked off to the thought of my damn nanny. My pulse slows down only somewhat as I catch my breathing, feeling more winded now than I do after a game, and I know the embarrassment and guilt has a hand in that. No fucking pun intended.

I run my fingers through my hair, slicking the wet strands back, and with another clench of my jaw, I smack the handle of the shower and instantly turn the water from hot to icy cold. My muscles jerk at the sudden temperature change, but my hands fist to my sides and I don’t move, letting the chilly water wash over me and, maybe, wash away the embarrassment of what the fuck I just did and try to sleep it off.