“Baby, did you know about this?” I asked.
“I did but only today. They wanted it to be a surprise. I almost burst from not telling you before you went into church tonight. You look good in that. I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m happy as hell and I admit, surprised. I’m not quite at a year yet. They usually don’t vote you in before that.”
“I guess you and I break all their regular rules. Come on, the kids are dying to have a piece of cake. Alannah made it, so you know it’s amazing.”
We weaved our way through the crowd, stopping at times to speak to someone or to be congratulated. Eventually, we found the kids and got them a piece of cake as well as pieces for ourselves. I knew it would be a late night tonight after this excitement and the sugar.
We stayed to celebrate until the kids started to get cranky. When that happened, we said our goodnights and took them home. It was a quick wash of the hands and faces along with teeth brushing then they fell into bed exhausted. With them taken care of, it was time I paid my woman special attention to celebrate my new status. It would involve being naked and driving each other wild. By the sparkle in her eyes, she knew it too. She giggled as she took off running for the bedroom. I gave chase.
Law: Chapter 21
Tonight was the big night. Everything was either going to be resolved or I’d be spending my life in prison. That’s if the inmates didn’t kill me. I wasn’t ashamed to send up a prayer for God to watch over us. Everything had to go perfectly for this to work.
At nine o’clock, we met the guys taking us into the prison in the dry-cleaning truck. They didn’t ask any questions. We kept our mouths shut and wore the masks like Terror had suggested. When we got close to the prison and the guards at the gate, they stopped and had us get in the big laundry carts they used to pick up the uniforms. We were covered with the clean ones they were bringing back. On the way out, we’d be covered in the ones that were dirty. Kind of a disgusting thought but we could handle it.
At the gate, they stopped briefly and chatted casually and easily with the guards, who waved them inside without checking the van. Sloppy. However, I guess they didn’t think anyone would break into a prison. Once inside the walls, they drove to the back of the building and unloaded the carts with us in them. When we got to the laundry, they removed the uniforms. There was a guard waiting for us, just like Bull said there would be. He nodded at us, then waved for us to follow him. He led us through the darkened halls. I thought this was a back way to the cell blocks where the prisoners were kept. He stopped before taking us through a door.
“There’s only the three of them in this section. They have pull here and have gotten more privacy than most. If you pay enough, the warden will let shit like that happen. In fact, they’re rooming together in one huge cell. If they cry out, no one will hear them. The guards who patrol this section are on break. They go out at the same time every night and smoke for a half hour. You have that long to get it done. I’ll come get you in thirty minutes. Here’s the key. You can’t miss them. Good luck.”
He opened the door and let us inside. The clang of it behind us made me shiver. I hated to think of having to listen to that every day for years on end. It was only a short walk past empty cells until we came to the occupied one. At a glance, I could tell that they were paying a lot. They had so many things to increase their comfort that weren’t allowed by the other inmates. They were living large in prison. It pissed me off. Maybe the club should check into this warden and see if he needed to be taken care of. Unlocking the cell door had one of the guys coming awake and bounding to his feet. Looking at him, I recognized him as Carlo. I’d never forget their fucking faces.
“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my cell?” he blustered. This woke up Matteo and Anthony, who also got out of bed.
Knowing that Smoke had ensured there would be no cameras recording, Hawk and I took off our masks. Matteo hissed in displeasure when he recognized my face. He looked less sure of Hawk.
“You know who I am, Greco. No use making introductions. That is Hawk. Maybe you've heard his name mentioned. He’s Nyssa’s husband.”
“Ahh, yes, the biker. I heard you’ve joined their little club too. How far you’ve fallen, Jake. To what do I owe this visit? You know that our guards will be coming any minute and when they catch you, they’ll arrest you,” Matteo said with a smile. The bastard really thought he was in control here and that no one could touch him. How egotistical could you get? His sons looked less confident.
“I wouldn’t worry about me. I’d worry about yourself. See, I recently found out that you had given orders to the Colombo family to kill my fiancée and her kids as well as Nyssa, Hawk, and their daughter. I can’t let that go unpunished. I’m curious. Why now? Why go after her instead of me? I’m the one who helped put your asses in here.”
“True, but I thought it would be more fitting to make you suffer first. You got engaged. It was announced in the papers. I’ve kept tabs on you and Nyssa, even if I couldn’t make a move on you. I knew you’d only do that if the woman truly meant something to you. After all, you’ve not been serious about anyone since Frankie. When I found out she had kids, it was even sweeter. I knew losing them would break you. Once that happened, then I’d have you tortured and killed. The same goes for Nyssa and her little family. You thought you had us under your thumb, but you don’t.”
“Papa, shut up,” Anthony growled.
“I won’t shut up and don’t you dare tell me to. These men are beneath us and they’re not going to do anything. If they do, they’ll go to prison for longer than us.”
Carlo gave us a wary look but didn’t say anything. I was surprised when Anthony asked, “How is this going to go?”
“I’m glad you asked. I’d love to take my time with you but sadly, we can’t. Your guards will eventually be back. Instead, we’re going to stage a scene. When we get done, it’s going to look like the three of you got into a heated argument and pulled shanks on each other. The blood loss from your wounds will kill you. I’m a cop. I know how to stage a crime scene.”
As I explained, I moved closer to Carlo while Hawk did the same with Anthony. We’d talked and decided to kill them first and make Matteo watch. Striking quickly, I pulled my hand out of my pocket with the homemade shank in it. They were made from common things you could get in a prison. We had three of them, one for each rat. I slashed hard across Carlo’s throat. I cut him from ear to ear. He didn’t even have a chance to yell. He fell to his knees, clutching his neck, trying to stop the bleeding. I knew he’d bleed out in a matter of a minute or two.
Hawk struck at the same time. In Anthony’s case, he stabbed him in both kidneys. By the amount of blood that came pouring out, I knew Hawk had severed Anthony’s renal arteries. He opened his mouth to scream, but Hawk kicked him in the head. He slumped over cold. Matteo was standing there with his mouth open in shock and horror written all over his face. Walking over to him, I slapped him to snap his attention to me.
“How does it feel, Greco? To lose your sons right in front of you. This is what you wanted me to feel, right? Your mistake was not doing your time and staying away from your illegal businesses. We know they’re still running and we have the names of those working for you. I just want you to know, we’re taking the whole thing down after you’re gone. In a few years, no one will remember Matteo Greco. I’ll go on to marry the woman I love and to raise a family. The very thing you thought you took from me forever when you killed Frankie.”
“He’s right. And I’m going to enjoy the fact that my woman won’t ever have to utter your name again. Oh and by the way, I’m sure your son, Lorenzo, won’t shed a tear when he hears what happened. He wrote you losers off years ago. He’s the only decent one out of all of you,” Hawk spit at him.
“I’ll pay you whatever you want not to kill me. I promise I’ll stop coming after you and your families. You’ll never hear from me again,” Matteo pleaded as he backed away from us.
We stalked him like lions. He backed himself against the wall. He shook and sweat poured down his fat, bloated face. He sure hadn’t been starving in this place. I pulled out another shank. This one I made extra special. It was serrated on one side, like the knife I used on Elio. It was what gave me the idea. I wanted it to hurt more for him.
Hawk had agreed ahead of time that Matteo was mine. Although Frankie had been Nyssa’s cousin and best friend, she was going to be my wife. Grinning at Matteo, I stabbed him three times in the stomach. I made sure to twist the shank to maximize the damage. He screamed and begged but it did him no good. The next stab was the final one.
We were running out of time. I punched a hole into his throat. He fell to his knees, gasping like Carlo had. As his eyes dulled and he died, I only felt peace. I checked the scene. It looked good. We’d been strategic in where we took each man out. By the placement of the bodies, it looked like Matteo was attacked by one of his sons before they went at it with each other. There was no way they could pinpoint the time of death to the exact minute to know who died first.