Page 61 of Law's Valkyrie

When I caught sight of Law standing at the altar, waiting for me, I could barely breathe. He looked so handsome. I was having a hard time again thinking he was all mine. His eyes ate me up as Bull walked me to him. His hand was possessive as he took mine.

He leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “Valkyrie, the gods are jealous today. You look so damn amazing and sexy. Wait until later. It’s been three months. I’m going to get you pregnant tonight,” he growled. All I could do was smile and laugh. He gave me a quick kiss which had everyone chuckling then he got serious and Bear began the ceremony.

We exchanged vows and our rings. They were simple platinum bands for both of us. The walk back down the aisle was filled with cheers and hoots. We had the wedding pictures taken then headed to the tents set up all over the compound for the reception.

A huge cake done in my colors was the showpiece. All of the food was provided courtesy of the old ladies in both clubs. They wouldn’t take no for an answer. By the time we’d eaten and had our first dance as a couple, I was ready to be alone with Law. Although during our dance, he surprised me. I had no idea he was such a good dancer. Later, when people were up fast dancing, he got up with me and showed me he had even more moves. The kids laughed as he danced with them and swung them around and around the floor.

Back at the head table, I was resting my feet for a few minutes. He was sitting with me. It looked like everyone was having fun. As I watched, Law leaned over and handed me a flat box.

“What’s this?”

“Open it and find out. It’s my wedding present to you. I hope you like it.”

Wondering what it could be, I tore off the bow and lifted the lid. Inside were papers. I lifted them out to see what they were. The words at the top registered. They were official adoption papers. Scanning through the pages, I saw that he had requested the court to adopt my kids. I could only stare at him in shock. He hadn’t said a word to me about doing this. Not that I objected. I loved the idea.

“I know we haven’t discussed this, but I need you to know, I love those kids like they’re mine. I want to adopt them. As you can see, Dan has agreed and signed already. I won’t take his name completely away from them. He is their father. If you’re agreeable, I’d like them to hyphenate both last names so it’s Ewing-Cane. However, that’s only if you want to do it. If you don’t, I understand. If your answer is yes, all you have to do is sign them and we can have our lawyer present it to the judge’s clerk on Monday.”

He paused before going on. “I took the thirty-hour mandatory parenting classes they require here in Tennessee. All we need is a social worker to make the home visit. Once the hearing is set, we have to wait ten days for any family to register their objections. If no one does, the judge will give us a decision.”

I was blown away by all the work and research he put into it. I threw my arms around him and kissed him until I had to take a breath.

“Where’s the pen? I need to sign these now.”

His face lit up with joy. He fumbled in his cut and brought out a pen. I didn’t waste time signing them. As soon as that was done, he told me, “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world twice today.”

“Well, hold that thought. I have a gift for you. Here,” I said, as I reached under my chair and handed him a small box.

It was smaller than the one he gave me. He gave me a questioning look as he took off the lid. I watched as he froze then looked at me as if to say,is this real? I nodded. He slowly lifted my gift out of the box. It was paper as well. Two pieces to be precise. It was sonogram pictures of our twins.

“W-when? How?” he sputtered.

“Well, when a man and woman get naked and they—” I teased before his hand landed over my mouth. I giggled then nodded, so he’d lift his hand.

“It seems Mr. Cane that your sperm is too powerful to be contained by a condom. I missed my period and then my breasts became tender. I was afraid to get both our hopes up, so I took a home test then went to see the doctor. He confirmed it and according to that, I’m ten weeks along.”

“Jesus, this is so wonderful, I can’t think. Why two copies though? Is one for my wallet?”

“Honey, it’s not a copy. Look at the top corner. See where it says Baby A and the other says Baby B. Surprise again, we’re having twins. It’s too early to tell what they are, but my due date is around April fifth.”

And that’s how I brought a badass biker to his knees and made him almost pass out. I felt as invincible as the Valkyries I was nicknamed for. Becoming Law’s Valkyrie was one of the best things to ever happen to me, second only to my kids present and future. As he jumped to his feet, picked me up, and whirled me around, yelling out to everyone he was going to be a father, I laughed. This was the perfect ending to a wedding. I wondered what else was in store for us and our family next.

The end