Ari couldn’t find the words.
Sydney stood, prompting the other partners to follow, “This will be your final warning Ariel.”
As they approached the door, Mark added, “We’d like to see a fleshed out, two year plan for your entire client list — signed and not — by the gala.”
Ari nodded, standing as they exited. When they left, the room filled with the sound of clicking keyboards and ringing phones. And Ari’s phone buzzed in her pocket.
Can we meet tonight? Highline?
Ari liked the message and closed her phone. Maybe her concerns about a relationship were right all along, she didn’t have time to be in lust… or in love with anyone. She knew what she was going to have to do.
* * *
Having silenced her phone for the rest of the day, Ari had been able to make serious headway on her plan already. The gala was two weeks away and she needed some serious scouting to happen before she could really know what was next.
Jess had been in and out of her office all day, bringing Ari coffee and helping her schedule showings for the next week.
But, as it grew closer to seven and the office began to empty, she’d grown anxious about leaving the office to meet Cass at the highline.
She hadn’t known what was so urgent, but ultimately Ari needed to use the meeting to set some new boundaries.
As she worked, Jess stayed diligently stationed at her desk as the sun began to lower in the sky. Ari tried not to think about how much of her own life Jess would lose waiting around this office for Ari.
The clock hit seven and she grabbed her purse, putting her laptop inside and knowing she would need to work when she got home.
“I’ll see you first thing tomorrow, Jess,” Ari said as she walked past her desk, “And set a meeting with the author who reached out about wanting to switch agencies.”
Jess nodded, trying to hide her doubt about the potential new client, and began typing an email for availability.
It was a quick walk to the highline’s end on 30th Street and 10th Ave. Ari used to take her lunch breaks there when she first started at the agency.
Now, she rarely ever stopped by, despite living just a few blocks away.
As she climbed the steep stairs to the platform, Ari thought about seeing Cass. A part of her feared she wouldn’t be able to set a boundary with Cass, she had grown to crave Cass’s presence; not just her looks or her body but her spirit, her voice, her humor. Ari knew deep down that the words she had almost slipped in her saucy audio message were ringing true.
She headed south, toward their meeting spot near the 23rd street entrance. As she walked she steeled herself, lifting her shoulders back, and holding her head high. Her job had been the priority from the start, it was why she even agreed to fake-date Cass: she needed her bosses to see her as more than just an assistant.
And now, she had swung too far in the opposite direction and course-correction was the only way forward.
Nearing the 23rd St entrance, Cass’s signature buzz-cut made her an easy beacon for Ari’s scanning gaze.
As she approached, Ari gave her a soft smile. One that she was surprised to have returned from Cass. Ari’s chest grew tighter, as she got closer. She could tell something was wrong and she felt immediately defensive.
The feeling only grew stronger as she approached and Cass didn’t offer a hug and instead started moving toward a bench hidden away behind some long grass.
“How are you?” Ari asked.
Cass nodded, “I’ve been better.”
They sat down next to each other but a foot of distance remained between them.
“So, I actually have something to tell you,” Ari started.
Cass interrupted, “I’d actually like to say something first.”
Ari nodded and sat straighter, unsure what she was preparing for.
“I saw Elle on Sunday,” Cass said.