“Right, I hear that,” Ari added.
Kylie sighed, “Like if you were doing your job, I guess it’d be a good thing. But, like, why isn’t this session scheduled?”
Ari nodded, “I’m going to meet with the tech right now, I’m in the car as we speak. I’ll fix this, and I swear I will be more on it. You’re my priority.”
Kylie inhaled, waiting a moment, “Good.”
“Take care, Kylie,” Ari said and Kylie ended the call, just as the car rolled to a stop in front of Froth NY, the coffee shop Cass had suggested in the lower east side.
It was only a few blocks from Antler, the bar they had met at just about a month ago.
Ari stepped out of the cab and onto the curb, where she expected Cass to be waiting for her. But, checking her phone, she had a missed text:
Meet me inside, already got you a coffee.
Ari walked into the shop, scanning the place as she entered. Neon purple signs lit up the space in an indigo glow.
She spotted Cass just to her left by the front door, facing the window.
“Hey,” Cass said as they made eye contact, standing to give her a hug.
As they embraced, Cass gave Ari a slow, deep kiss on the cheek.
“Hi,” Ari said, clearing her throat, still trying to shake off the call in the car.
“How’s your week been?” Cass asked.
Ari shrugged, “Fine, a little weird. I actually need to ask you about the next Kylie session.”
Cass nodded, “Okay, I’ll send your assistant my avails later.”
Ari shook her head, “Why not just tell me now?”
Cass chuckled, “Because, we’re on a date and it’s your assistant's job.”
“No, it’s my job,” Ari snapped.
Cass was taken aback, raising her eyebrows, “Why would you bother yourself with something so small?”
Ari sighed, “It’s complicated.”
Cass nodded and took a sip of her coffee, looking out the window.
“So, I want to talk about the other night,” Cass said, breaking the silence.
Ari nodded, “Sure.”
Cass looked at her eyes and tried to calm Ari down with her gaze. Ari couldn’t stop her perfect, blue eyes from penetrating her pissy mood.
“I had a really, really nice time,” Cass said, her voice lowering an octave as she spoke.
Ari blushed but gritted her teeth.
Cass broke her eye contact, looking outside, “But, I think I could help you with…”
Ari rolled her eyes, “Was I that bad?”
Cass laughed, “No, no. Not at all.”