Page 95 of A Touch of Savagery

“We don’t usually have people dropping on our boats at dawn,” said Rhys. “What the hell do you want?”

“To speak to you. Dorren’s full of people willing to follow you.”

“You don’t even know what’s going on-” Kalen started.

“Hmm. Let’s see. West Bay fell to that prick. I don’t believe Oriel’s family betrayed him. I know Kings can be greedy, and King Taven proved that since he always seemed alright before, but I just can’t see King Leneer betraying a guest at dinner. I think he was richer than Taven anyway. What else?” The man squinted and pretended to think. “We’re near the border of West Bay, and a whole slew of boats with King Kalen and Rhys’s new heart crest is coming down. By the way, that’s a nice shade of purple. Now, why would the East Forest rulers come all of this way just to go fishing or have a little holiday with the whole army?”

Kalen pursed his lips. “Get to the point.”

“You’re either hungry for more land yourself, or you’re helping King Oriel since I’m pretty sure that’s him right there. Not many have purple eyes. If you intend to start eating your way through West Bay to reclaim it, take Dorren first. It’s right on the border, not far, and they’ll gladly follow you to get out from under that prick. He’s raised taxes and had guards going about to terrorize people there.”

“Why there?” asked Oriel.

“Lord Abney was under King Leneer and allowed to stay at first since I guess he pretended to accept things,” said the man. “He was in bad health, so they probably thought he couldn’t do anything. Something happened, and the King’s men came for him. They accused him of treason and hung him in the prison. The people revolted, and some were killed before the city was brought back under control. They have a new lord-some ass licker of King Taven.”

“Why are you out here?”

“I live out here, but I was in the city that day. This is technically my land you’re going through.”

“What’s your name?” asked Oriel.


“If you're not lying, and Dorren is full of loyal supporters, you’ll be the new lord later.”

Mark frowned. “I’ll keep my own house, thank you very much, Your Majesty. I’m not lord material. I’ll declare every day a holiday, and spend all the tax money for you on whores. I’ve always wanted to wake up in bed with a couple of pretty ladies and guys on either side of me.”

Kalen made a slight face as Oriel slowly nodded. “Okay. At least…you’re honest. You can have something else then.”

“Can you dump me overboard now?”

“What? No!”

“I can swim real good, I promise.”

“Uh, I think you’re going to stay with us for a bit. Just in case.”

Dorren looked normal when they approached two days later. Thanks to Kalen and Rhys, Oriel, and Roth had a nice set of armor that they donned. As they approached the riverside docks of Dorren, one of the boats set off a light burst, and Oriel watched the yellow stick fly up. It almost seemed like it would go forever and vanish, but it popped in the air. Three more followed. Purple and grey smoke gushed out of each one, and the citizens beyond the wall who couldn’t see the river would know East Forest and their army had arrived.

The guards on the walls of Dorren looked like panicked ants. There weren't many, and they likely had expected any sort of attack here.

People on the docked ships rushed to get off and haul ass as some of the cannons were aimed just in case. Oriel ignored those shouting orders aboard the ships as he watched the gate.

“They’re not closing it,” said Rhys.

“I told you,” Mark said from behind them. One ankle was chained to the chair that he was in since they weren’t entirely trusting of him, and he kept stuffing down the eggs and biscuits he’d been given for breakfast.

Someone came flying over the wall at that moment. People came pouring onto the walkway and seemed to be attacking the guards, or at least some. No doubt, the new lord had given some loyal lackey a post here.

But the citizens were fighting back.

The ships came into the docks. There were too many, so some got as close as they could to the riverbank, and lifeboats were lowered. A ship with horses had a spot by a dock, and men were already working on unloading them.

The gangplank on Oriel’s ship was lowered, and he hurried down. Soldiers poured out and swarmed the riverbank and the docks as cheers rose from the walls while some pointed at the heart flags on the ships.

They were still cautious as they approached the gate. The soldiers formed a protective group around the royalty. Citizens crowded around the entrance as they shouted. A guard was suddenly tossed over the wall, and his neck must have snapped when the rope around it ran out and went taunt. His lifeless body swung.

Oriel gripped his sword. If this was a trick, it was a good one. The people hardly needed convincing to back up and let them through as the Knights approached first. A few fliers hovered overhead to watch, and winged citizens seemed willing to stay grounded to not alarm them.