Page 88 of A Touch of Savagery

“I hate sh-ships. I was on one once, and…”

He could feel her gold eyes boring into him as she tried to figure that out. “Did it sink?”


Whatever she thought, she decided to stop pestering him. “I need payment now.”

His fingers shook as he counted out the money she wanted. She didn’t comment but took it and left him there. Aspen stayed even when the ship finally left shore. The women were mostly busy, and he ignored the shouted commands as he stared out over the water. He had just had to deal with this for days and days.

“Hey, cutie. You got any money for a fuck?” A winged woman came to his side and lifted her shirt. “I’ll let you play with these for a discount.”

Aspen glanced at her. “I’m not into women.” He knew damn well that whores always lied about the discount too.


A couple of the women busted out laughing. Aspen dared to look around and noticed most who weren’t busy were staring at him like he was a spectacle. Most wore trousers and loose shirts, although few had cut the trousers off at the knee. They all had weapons too even if it was simply a dagger at their belts.

The winged one pursed her lips. “Why are you over here clutching onto the railing? Your Father isn’t going to appear and drag you away. Our ship isn’t about to sink either.”

Captain Kalani must have said something to them. “I’m still scared.” He wanted to shrivel in shame because they probably all thought he was weak. Some man he was.

“Come on. I’ll take you to a cabin, and you can rest.”


“So you’re just going to stay out here the whole time? Even at night?”

“Uh…” Aspen’s mind blanked on what to do exactly.

The woman pursed her lips, and her feathery wings flexed a little as she stood. “Fine.” She whistled.

Several of the sailors heard it and began to converge. A few up in the rigging climbed down, and boots thumped on the deck. Aspen froze for a moment as he realized he’d fucked up. They only wanted to put him in a cabin to get him in a confined space for…whatever they were planning.

“I didn’t do anything!” he screamed as one made a grab for him.

He jerked away and stood to sling a leg over the railing. He’d take his chances in the ocean if he had to and swim back to shore if he could. Two women grabbed him and started to drag him across the deck despite his kicks. This was it. They’d probably torture him and hang him from the mast once they were finished with him. They must have viewed him as sport for whatever reason.

Or they knew how much filth had been ingrained into him and wanted to wipe it from the world. His chest hurt too much to drag air in.

Oriel and Roth would never find him.

Chapter Twenty

"Wake up!"

Something sharp hurt on Aspen's cheek, but it brought him around enough for him to realize he was in a cabin, and one of the women had already fixed a shackle to his leg.

“I’ve never seen anyone pass out from terror so fast.” Captain Kalani tossed his coin purse up in the air and caught it. “I almost feel sorry for you, but I guess that’ll help later.”

The cabin was empty except for the built-in bedstead which didn’t have a mattress. He didn’t remember getting down here at all, and his chest was still too tight. The one that had slapped him had his dagger tucked in her belt, and he knew he was fucked even if he could get it. Nine of the women were in the room and staring at him like he was some kind of freak.

“I didn’t do anything,” he whispered. “I just wanted to-

“No, you didn’t, but I figured you’ll have a use in a couple of days,” said Captain Kalani. “Otherwise, I’d have left your ass on the docks. If you behave, maybe you’ll get to go free later. We’ll see.”

They marched out, and he heard the door lock. Aspen completely broke down as he screamed and yanked at the chain in his terror. But Oriel and Roth couldn’t hear him, and nobody came to save him. The women certainly didn’t give a shit.

It took him a while to calm down, and he huddled in the corner while he watched the door and shook. He had no idea what the madam of a floating whorehouse and her ladies wanted, but whatever they had planned for him, he’d probably end up dead.