Page 72 of A Touch of Savagery

Nalha blinked his pink eyes. For a moment, Aspen caught sight of a moving tattoo on his arm as he lifted a hand, and his sleeve slid back. “Oriel. What are you talking about? Why is there a dead man in my cabin?! There was a commotion and-”

“You’re a fucking traitor,” snarled Roth.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Get that away from my neck.”

Roth pressed the tip a little harder. “I don’t think so.”

“You’re fucked if you don’t talk. I know you need something to channel your magic, so keep your hands where I can see him, or Roth will open up your throat.” Oriel snatched the Captain’s dagger and sword and flung the items on the floor near Aspen. “Take that.”

“Oriel, get the rope,” Roth said as Aspen collected the weapons. “There’s some in that chest. Lay on your stomach.”

Nalha had no choice but to comply. Once Oriel started tying his wrists behind his back, he spoke. “Please, let me go! My crew is worried, and I haven’t done anything to you. Let’s just talk like men-”

“Save it,” snapped Roth.

“If Roth thinks you’ve done something, you have. Someone also tried to attack me.”

Oriel forced Nalha into the chair and tied him to that too while Roth cleaned his dagger and spoke. “Oriel, we saw the Qualquetty Temple Light right before bed, right?”


Aspen had never been there, but he knew that in Qualquetty, the Temple was on a chunk of land that jutted out, and a huge Norian crystal sat on top. It soaked up the sun’s rays all day and emitted beautiful light at night. He’d seen paintings, but not the real thing. It was considered a marker for ships.

I couldn’t sleep, so I went out,” Roth told Oriel. “We’ve passed the temple now, but it’s not that far south of us, and I could still make out the light. With the wind, this much time, and smooth sailing, it should be gone by now. We’re also much, much closer to shore than we were earlier.”

“Maybe we have a reason!” blustered Nalha. “You’re not a sailor.”

“You promised to take us up the coast to-”

“That’s what I’m doing!”

“Then why are we so close to shore? There’s no need.” Roth pointed his sword at the fairy. “Besides that, nobody knew I was out there, and a couple of your sailors don’t know how to be quiet. I knew who the ‘scared twig’ was, and what would happen if that sailor had ‘got’ him.”

Aspen’s face burned as he remained frozen against the wall. Roth hadn’t been noticed in the dark with his light footsteps. Luckily, he’d also gotten up and gone outside at the right time. If he’d stayed in and fallen asleep with Oriel…

“He’s dead,” added Roth.

“A sailor tried to attack me in here,” said Oriel. “I got lucky, but you won’t.”

Nalha glanced at the dead man. “I would have put him to death myself if I’d known-”


“Who paid you?” asked Roth.

“What are you talking about?” snapped Nalha. “I paid you for the horses and gave you free passage. I am deeply sorry that two of my men wanted to harm you. They’re newer-”

Oriel slapped him across the face. “You fucking prick. Even if nobody paid you yet, I know you’re taking us to shore with the intent to sell me back to King Taven or someone there.”

“Tell your men to guide the ship farther out,” demanded Roth.

“I’m the Captain of this-”

Oriel dragged his chair to the speaking tube in the corner, and the wooden legs scraped on the floor. “You will or I’ll start cutting off fingers.”

Nalha’s mouth fell open. “Oriel, you’ve known me since you were a boy. I know you’re not like that, and neither was-”

“That was then. This is me now. Do you know what I’ve fucking been through and seen since I was taken?” Oriel got in his face. “Do you have any fucking idea? I’m not the sweet little boy who pointed at everything to ask what it was and wanted to steer the ship by myself. I’m not even the same person I was a few months ago. I swear to fucking Elira that if you don’t tell the men to turn away from shore and get this ship going as fast as possible, I will cut off each and every finger.”