Page 71 of A Touch of Savagery

Food was left outside of his door later since he refused to come out and eat. Oriel begged him to, but there was no way he was going around those sailors.

Aspen didn’t even care to get the food, and he was trying to ignore the sway. It had grown worse since they’d gotten underway earlier although the sea was calm. No matter how he sat, the sensation never went away. The damn ship wouldn’t stop moving. He almost wanted to scream even though he was aware of how stupid his thoughts were. Of course, no boat wouldn’t stay perfectly still.

As the light from the porthole window faded, he stayed in his spot while the lantern continued to burn. He almost wished Oriel would hug him again to give himself something else to focus on. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten a dagger since he figured Oriel would be afraid that he’d off himself.

He woke later with no memory of falling asleep. The lantern must have burned out since it was dark. The door handle jiggled, and he figured it was Oriel trying to check on him again.

The thump that came a second later made him jump, and the next must have broken the chair. Wood scraped. He froze as a square of light appeared with a figure. Where was the dagger? He’d just had it. He fumbled for it on the blanket as the figure advanced.

He couldn’t do this again. Oriel had said to stab and scream, but he couldn’t find his voice, and his fingers seemed stiff as he frantically felt in the dark.

Another figure appeared, and the first made a faint choking noise before it collapsed on the floor with a thump.

“Aspen!” Roth’s voice broke through the freezing terror, and Aspen let out a sob. “Come on. I’ve got you.”

Roth had to partly carry and drag him from the bed. Aspen's legs shook while he clutched onto him for a moment even if Roth must have hated his guts.

“We have to get to Oriel. Now.”

With his arm around Aspen, Roth paused in the doorway as he peeked out. The ship seemed calm, so why had that one sailor decided to come for him? Aspen might have screamed if he hadn’t been so terrified. Why risk it?

Aspen kept his arm around Roth’s slim waist as they hurried down the darkened hall. No door blocked either end, and starlight showed the deck ahead seemed empty from what he could see, but he knew sailors had to be about and up in the rigging or the crow’s nest. The whole crew never went to sleep. Someone was always on watch on a ship.

Roth hurried him across open space when he heard something shatter, and a roar ahead. Behind them, he heard movement, and Roth damn near dragged Aspen as he broke into a run and threw open the door to the Captain’s cabin. Oriel had driven his sword into another sailor who was dead on the floor.

“What the fuck!” Oriel planted his boot on the sailor’s chest to yank out his weapon. “Thank Elira I woke up and heard something.”

Roth locked the door as someone’s boots pounded on the quarterdeck above them, and Aspen saw his bloodied dagger in one hand. “Your Captain Nalha has betrayed us. We’ve barely gone past Qualquetty, and we’re closer to land now.”

Aspen had no idea how many sailors there were, but with only three of them, they were fucked, and Oriel couldn’t use his magic. Aspen could channel fire through the dagger, but he’d last about five seconds in a real fight. “You promised we were safe!”

Guilt flashed in Oriel’s eyes, and he started to say something, but someone pounded on the door. Roth backed away and went for his sword lying near a pack. Something else took over Oriel’s face as he marched toward the door and hooked his bloodied sword on his belt.

“Wait-” started Roth.

Oriel got down and put his cheek to the floor as he peeked through the crack under the door, and he stood again. “Cover me.”

“Oriel? Are you all right?” Captain Nalha’s voice seemed quite concerned. “What’s going on? I-”

Roth hovered as Oriel threw open the door. Aspen couldn’t see with it blocking the way, but Captain Nalha was jerked in, and something crackled. Someone screamed, and another man shouted.

“His lightning tracks!”

“It hit Billy!”

The Captain fell on the floor as Oriel went to throw the door shut. Something thumped on it as if a person had thrown their shoulder against it, and Oriel couldn’t quite get it closed. Aspen threw his body against it, and he heard it click.

Oriel locked it. Someone kicked the wood, but the sturdy door held.

“You better fucking unlock-”

“Call him off!” Roth shouted as he pressed the tip of his sword into the Captain’s neck.

“Stop trying to get in!” bellowed Nalha.

Angry voices muttered, and boots thumped as Aspen shook.

“What the fuck did you do!” roared Oriel.