The heat increased although the poker wasn’t quite touching him yet. The one holding his ankles tightened his grip as Aspen tried to push himself into the floor and away from the heat.

Why hadn't Oriel said where the seal was? Surely he knew there was no point in hiding its location. They’d already lost. If his family was dead, he gained nothing by refusing to reveal it, and as the Crown Prince, he had to know where it was.

“I bet you’re a sweet little thing when you beg on your knees.” The fairy pressed the poker to his bare skin.

Aspen was sure he’d go mad with the pain when two other fairies finally came in, and the poker was lifted. The men said something while he gasped for air. The other new fairy approached to heal the burns, but he was sure it was just so they could continue torturing him. The pain faded and vanished from each spot as the healer touched it with his finger, and his face held no remorse.

The lord from earlier entered and came to stand over Aspen. “Let go of him. He’s not going anywhere.”

The ones holding down his shoulders and ankles stood and moved away with the healer. Aspen’s wrists were still tied behind him, and if he got to his feet, he’d never make it to the door. Even with the burns gone, he couldn't stop shaking because it could all start again with a word.

“Oriel wouldn’t say a word to save you. In fact, he seemed to hate you.” The lord knelt to peer at Aspen’s face. “I was a bit surprised because even if he didn’t fuck you, he should have some care for his servants, but that's royal brats for you. He heard you screaming and still refused to say anything even though he’s lost. He couldn’t even save an employee from suffering. But royalty often tries to hold onto their Kingdom down to the last second.”

Aspen’s heart thudded as the lord made a tsk noise. Dear Elira, no. He'd thought Oriel would at least spare him.

“I grew impatient, so I threatened to cut off his cock, and that finally made him break,” said the lord. “Men will usually say anything when they feel the edge of a dagger against it. I’m sorry you had to suffer for a war that’s already lost on your side, but it happens. His stubbornness has irked me, so he’ll suffer too. He’ll also see what refusal can cost since the living ones here will be taken and as sold as slaves. He can watch them suffer on the ships and join them.” The lord peered at Aspen’s body. “Since you were a pleasure slave, you can continue your job on the boat. I’m sure rough sailors aren’t what you’re used to after living at court, but they’ll enjoy you.”

Aspen wanted to scream again. This was Oriel’s fault. He hadn’t even been able to find one shred of feeling despite their past to save Aspen from further suffering. He’d still tried to keep the seal hidden for a crown he’d already lost.

“Please just let me go! Please!”

“I think I’ll try you out before the sailors get their hands on you.”

Aspen didn’t think at that point. He spat right in the lord’s face and felt savage satisfaction for a moment at his disgusted noise. It was short-lived since the lord’s punch made everything fade away.

Something creaked when he came to, and he jerked in fright, but rough shackles held his wrists. Someone was crying, and when he forced his eyes open, the light made him close them again as pain spiked through his head.

Why was the floor swaying? His ass had been torn when the men gang-raped him in the Hall, but that pain was now gone along with the burns. The healer must have done that, but his left eye and cheek were swollen. The events came rushing back as he forced himself to peek.

A wooden floor and slanted walls greeted him. He was in the hold of a ship. Lork was a port city, and King Taven must have brought his fleets. He’d likely taken any other ships in the area too.

Either way, Aspen was in one, and several dozen others were down here too. All were nude and had collars around their necks like Aspen. He knew his magic would be useless from the lirek worked into it.

Chains ran from the captive’s collars to various rings in the walls or the floor, so none could move very far at all. Some were unconscious and bore wounds like they’d been punched and beaten down. Nobody had bothered to heal them. Some were sitting up and weeping. Others wore dead expressions.

Aspen recognized a few servants from the Castle, but most were townspeople, so King Taven must have taken prisoners from the simple citizens too.

Aspen was also naked, and his wrists were chained to metal rings stuck in the wood a couple of feet away from his hands. He was the only one chained like this, and he remembered what the lord had said.

He tried to yank himself free and only succeeded in scraping his wrists. His heart sped up when a sailor came down the ladder to one side and eyed him.

A moment later, someone was thrown through the hatch like trash. Oriel cried out as he hit the wood with a thud. A few of the other fairies jumped, but no one dared to stay a word.

Just a whore.

Aspen’s face burned as the Crown Prince, who didn’t look so princely now, was kicked in his side by the sailor. He moaned and tried to roll out of the way as the sailor drew back his boot and snickered. Two guards came down the ladder and manhandled Oriel away from the group of people. One side of the hold was empty, and they attached a chain to his collar.

The sailor peered at the rest. “Your Prince is one of you now.” He turned to Oriel. “Enjoy your stay, Your Majesty. We’ll arrive in a week or so. Please let me know if there’s anything you need. Your whore is chained up over here, but he might be a bit busy and unavailable for your pleasure.”

The guards laughed as they locked his chain to a ring in the wall and left the once-Crown Prince curled up on the sloped slide. He made a noise like he was trying to hold back a sob.

“Aw, he misses his Mummy. Poor thing. I bet her snatch was tight. They should have kept her for us instead of hanging her.”

The guards and the sailor chuckled before they headed up. The rest of the fairies said nothing as they huddled on the floor, and one sniffled.

The lantern hanging on the hook was left there, and it threw shadows around as it slowly swung in time with the faint rocking of the ship.

Aspen stared at the ceiling, too exhausted to cry. They should have killed him too. He kept seeing King Leneer dead on the floor with the two younger sons, and the poor Queen dying in another room.