Page 49 of A Touch of Savagery

“Oh, I will."

"Always be wary and careful of a traitor’s son."

"Back in your cage, slave," said Roth. "I’ll play with you later.”

A sharp strike drove him back in. Roth put the cane away and left with his Father without a backward glance. Oriel finally relaxed. He couldn’t imagine living with a family like that.

He just had to play meek for a little longer, and then he’d never have to see Lord Delwin again. Roth could stop faking it around his Father too.

He figured once Roth had breakfast, he’d know what his Father was doing. He had mentioned that he needed the key to Oriel’s collar. It marked him, and without his magic, he was vulnerable. Once they had Aspen and ran away, they didn’t have to only worry about Lord Delwin sending men to look for them. Outlaws existed in the world, and Oriel would feel far better if he had his magic to fight with too.

Dear Elira, he couldn't wait to get the collar off. The weight and feel was a constant reminder of everything.

After a couple of hours, the door opened, and Oriel perked up since he’d been bored out of his mind. Instead, Lord Delwin came in with the friend from earlier. Or more like the fake friend.

“What are we doing here?” asked Fake.

“You know where Derra is.”

Fake perched on the arm of the couch and folded his arms. “No, I don’t. You brought me in here to ask that?”

Lord Delwin disappeared in the bedroom, came out with the key on its cord, approached the cage, and snapped. Oriel got into position as his heart pounded. Fuck. Where was Roth?

“I’ve known you your whole life,” said Lord Delwin.

Fake shrugged. “Okay.”

“You’re a terrible liar. You can’t look anyone in the eye, and you always get this expression.”

“I don’t know!”

“You still can’t quite look at me despite what I just said.”

“If he wants to run off, who cares? He’ll come back soon enough. That damn idiot he went off with isn’t even worth a free fuck.”

“That doesn’t matter. His parents are worried sick.”

Lord Delwin unlocked the cage. Oriel had to force himself to crawl out and kneel. Lord Delwin kicked him in the ribs and knocked him onto his side. Oriel hunched around the pain and cowered as he moved closer.

The lord pointed. “Get to that ring over here.”

Oriel hurried to obey despite the throbbing in his side. As soon as he was close enough to the ring in the floor on the other side of the room, Lord Delwin shoved his head down, and the lead clinked as he pulled it out of his pocket.

“Ass up.”

Once Oriel was chained in place, he remained still as he rested on his forearms. Being so helpless with Fake somewhere behind him made his guts churn.

“Tell me where he is,” said Lord Delwin. “I won’t tell your parents or his that you lied. You can fuck the slave as a reward.”

Oriel’s heart damn near stopped.

After a pause, Fake’s footsteps slowly approached. “You won’t tell anyone that I knew?”

“No one,” promised Lord Delwin. “I know he’s your cousin and friend too, and snitching probably feels wrong, but we need to know.”

“He said the slut’s got a friend in Three Cross. They’d probably hide out there.”

Lord Delwin seemed to be considering that. “That’s not a good place.”