Page 45 of A Touch of Savagery

“But if you died, everyone would say boohoo, he’d move on by getting another wife at some point, and he could have a kid if he’s able.”

“If. I wonder if he can.”

“So he’s kind of stuck with you if he doesn't want some cousin in the position later,” said Oriel.

“Yes, and I’m still a Delwin by blood. We share enough features for me to pass. Sometimes, he seemed to love me as a kid, but I think it was because he wanted so badly for me to be his child. He still hates where I come from and blames me for the affair like I asked to be born.” Roth turned away on his side. “I don’t think Mother truly wanted me either. She probably wanted to keep the affair a secret, but I ruined that. She never threatened to tell when she knew Father had beaten me. She only did that when Sam was in trouble. It's clear who mattered more.”

Oriel was quiet for a moment as he imagined him trapped in this house with his not-Father while both kept up a lie to preserve the family image at all times. No wonder Roth said he was lucky because not counting recent events, Oriel had lived a good life with his parents. There was no doubt where his blood came from, and Father had never raised a hand to his sons. Both of his parents had loved their triplets. Mother had never blamed them for the rough birth ruining her health.

With their barriers broken down, Roth didn’t seem like such a maniac or a bastard.

“Why didn’t you tell me anything?” asked Oriel. “You could have tried-”

“I needed you to look beaten down enough.” Roth lifted his head. “You needed to look truly meek and afraid. I couldn’t risk you doing or saying something in front of those idiots I call my friends, and I wasn’t taking the chance of you fucking up. I don’t know if you can act for shit, and I needed you to be truly afraid and obedient to me so that there wouldn’t be one, single mistake. If my Father came in my room, and you gave one wrong look-”

“Am I supposed to let you beat my ass now so I look bruised up?”

“No. You’ll be gone by tomorrow night. Father mentioned bringing someone over so I can meet their son in three or four months. He wants me to get married, and he mentioned that if that happens, the son won’t like me having a slave because he’s too mild-mannered and gentle to approve of such things.”

Oriel went cold. That meant his lifespan had grown much shorter. To get him out of the way and avoid offending the potential future husband, Oriel would be taken away in a few months and tortured to death in the room down below. Lord Delwin would pretend he’d simply sold the slave and threaten Roth to keep his mouth shut.

“It’s not like I could keep this up for long anyway,” continued Roth. “I have an idea to get you out. As for letting you see the bruises, I just…I don’t care anymore. I’m tired of hiding everything from everyone. I’m sorry about tonight too.”

Guilt raked Oriel’s insides as he went over the past few days. If the so-called friends didn’t exist, he wouldn’t have had to suck off Roth. Oriel hadn’t had to do it again despite plenty of time with him. Roth had even chosen a sexual activity where he wouldn’t have to penetrate Oriel with his cock. That was why he’d threatened to punish Oriel if he didn’t cum. There had certainly been enough mess to make it look like two people had fucked on the bed.

He remembered Roth’s expression afterward. He hadn’t been displeased with his slave’s behavior. He’d been disgusted at forcing himself on Oriel with his hands, and while he had a rape fantasy too, it didn't mean he wanted to do that to another person. He’d also handed some control back to Oriel and let him do what he wanted to vent some anger.

If Roth had simply said he was freeing Oriel earlier, he might not have believed that either.

“I’m sorry,” said Oriel. “I’ve never hatefucked anyone before or thought about raping someone. I swear I've never been like that. Is this how you deal with Father treating you like this? Do you feel like you need to be punished for shit that isn’t your fault?”

“I guess, but with others, I’m safer. No whore has ever beaten the daylights out of me. By the way, the other night was tame. I’ve suffered much worse beatings from Father. Anyway, I can sneak you out tomorrow night. You’ll be free of this shit.”

“I’m not meant to be a slave.”

“No one is meant to be one or thinks they are,” Roth said with a bitter laugh. “You’re such a Prince. Besides, even if I did what he wanted to perfection, you don’t have long. It doesn’t matter how well I beat you or leave cum on the sheets from us. You’ll die in that room if you stay.”

It almost felt unreal. Now that he knew what Roth was really like, he didn’t want to leave him here. What else would he go through?

“You need to hide your neck tomorrow. I cut it.”

“I already healed it.” Oriel sat up to look. Roth side-eyed him and smiled. “I can’t heal bruises, but a cut where the flesh is exposed is something I can do.”


“Figures I only get half that ability when I’m stuck living with some bastard who beats me. My lightning can track its target and is quite powerful, but if I dare to defend myself...If I killed him, nobody would ever believe the truth, so I’d hang.”

Oriel flopped down. “What do we do now?”

“I guess you can go to bed. It has to be in the cage because of the servants. I can’t risk us being asleep together, although…I wouldn’t mind you being in the bed.”

Roth had mentioned that he’d let Oriel do whatever he wanted if they’d met at his court. If they’d met before, they probably would have gotten along quite well. Even though Oriel wasn’t sexually attracted to him, there was a possibility they would have fucked. Sex felt good, and aesthetically, Roth was quite pleasing to look at.

“Do I have to go to bed right now?” asked Oriel.

“No. I'm not actually your Master.”

Oriel rolled toward Roth and put the knife to his neck again. Instead of resisting, Roth leaned back into him. Oriel kept the edge at the soft skin of his throat and purposefully made another knick. Roth’s breathing immediately picked up.