Page 21 of A Touch of Savagery

As the night wore on, he tried to shift to get comfortable, but it was impossible. His thirst worsened, and he started to get cramps in his legs. By the time the guard and Lord Delwin returned the next morning, looking refreshed after sleep and breakfast, he was sobbing.

“Your Father would be ashamed. Wouldn’t he?” Lord Delwin kicked the cage. “Wouldn’t he?”

“Y-yes, Master.” There was no other suitable answer. It didn’t matter how mentally and physically worn down he was from the ship and everything that happened before the lord got a hold of him.

“I bet even a human would last longer than you before they started crying, and their bodies are weaker in some ways, or so I heard. Let him out.”

Oriel was allowed a tiny amount of water. Breakfast was a piece of bread that he had to eat directly off the floor like a dog. The guard held a cane and seemed to enjoy watching his humiliation.

Lord Delwin said he’d be busy, and Oriel was left to stand with his wrists chained above his head. He was terrified the guard would whip him again, but he left too. Being made to stand like that stretched the skin around the burns as he remained like that for hours while his shoulders ached.

Exhaustion tried to pull him down, but every time his head started to droop, he would snap awake. He couldn’t stop shaking and fearing that guard would return with a new way to torture him even though Lord Delwin was elsewhere.

When the guard finally came to let him down, Oriel fell to the floor, unable to stand anymore. He could barely keep his eyes open to eat the bread and drink the water he was given. At least there was more water this time, but he was still thirsty.

Only then was he allowed to curl up on the cold, hard bars that made the floor of the tiny cage. At that point, he couldn’t have cared how it felt. He knew nothing until the next day when the guard yanked him out by his ankle. He screamed in terror as the rough bars jabbed and scraped his hip and ribs.

“Quit your fucking whining.” The guard slapped him and planted a hand on his chest to pin his shoulders to the floor. The burns instantly protested as they were pushed into the stone. “He’s tired of you, and he’s busy, so his son can take you now. His birthday was yesterday, but you were a bit too fucked up to be handed over to him.”

If Lord Delwin acted like this, his son was probably worse. King Leneer had killed his grandfather, although maybe Roth didn’t know the dirty family secret.

“You better behave because he’s not afraid to hurt you,” said the guard. “Maybe he’ll want his first initial branded on your back too. If so, I’ll see you again.”

That image made Oriel start shaking again as the guard manhandled him toward the chains to shackle him once more. He was left to stand there for a good half-hour before he heard footsteps. Lord Delwin entered with his son.

Unlike his Father who had a rust-colored tail and hair, Roth's long hair and fluffy tail were a vibrant red, and his pointy cat ears matched. He must have gotten those from his Mother. His eyes were also red, and the pupils were slitted like a cat’s.

Oriel would have thought him to be quite aesthetically pleasing if the situation was different. All he could think now was that he'd be this cat fairy's toy.

“You could have cleaned him up,” was the first thing Roth said as looked Oriel up and down with a sneer that showed his fangs. “It stinks in here too.”

“He wasn’t meant to be comfortable,” snapped Lord Delwin. “He can be bathed anytime.”

“So you’re done torturing him, and I can have him now?”

“Yes. He’ll be all yours.”

Oriel kept his eyes lowered as Roth appraised him. He wouldn’t be a pretend sex slave like Aspen who could have left King Leneer if he wanted. Oriel would have to do whatever Roth said and service him as requested. There wouldn’t be any safewords, and he could forget escaping.

He had a feeling the son was deciding whether to keep him. If he said no, then Oriel would live in this room until Lord Delwin finished torturing him to death.

He’d leave as a corpse.

“Once he’s cleaned up, he’ll be quite pretty,” Roth said as he walked around Oriel and let his fingertips skim across his ribs. It took all of his willpower not to flinch, especially when he felt a pinch on one of the welts. “I want him taken to my rooms. But first…”

He came around Oriel who didn’t dare lift his eyes. Roth’s red, fluffy tail twitched as he peered at Oriel’s face and brushed back a bit of his matted hair. He smelled like blackberries, although there was a hint of something else that was probably from bath oils.

“I intend to take you around on a leash like the pretty little pet you are." Roth tapped Oriel’s chin and gave him a quick little stroke on the underside in the way one might do to a cat.” You’ll be a good boy, won’t you? Even though you’re a traitor’s son.”

“Yes, Master.” This was Oriel’s life now. Fighting was useless.

“Good boy.” Roth made a faint purring noise as he reached down to flick Oriel’s cock, and he flinched that time. “If you behave, I won’t have a reason to hurt you too badly. If you disobey, I can have you begging for mercy. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, Master.”

"Maybe I'll make you beg for mercy anyway. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of fun with you." Roth smirked and turned to the guard. “I want him cleaned up in my privy room. Make sure he uses soap and oils in the water so he doesn't stink. Chain him in the sitting room afterward."

Oriel soon found himself in Roth’s bathing room off his bedroom. The sunken tub was full of hot water, and an open cupboard to the left held soaps, oils, and drying sheets. There was a basin and a stool in front of a looking glass.