Page 18 of A Touch of Savagery

She dressed him in a loose shirt and baggy sleep pants before tucking him back into bed.

“If you need me, you pull this rope here.” She pointed toward the wall near the headboard. “I’ll hear the bell and come. Don’t be afraid to call me. I got you.”

Where had he heard that before? Nobody had him. The only ones that had appreciated him at all were dead now. The sight of her wrinkled face blurred as he started to cry. The one that he’d really loved had let him be tortured in that room. The apology on the boat had been a lie. A fucking seal for a lost Kingdom had been more important than Aspen.

She sat on the edge of the bed. “It’ll get better. I promise. People just have to get up and move forward. Do you know where you are?”

“No.” He sniffled. It didn’t matter when he couldn’t get away from everything in his head.

“Before King Taven left, he allowed prisoners to be used as slaves. They have to be serving a certain amount of time, and most murderers and rapists aren't permitted. The lords in their holds can decide whether or not to put prisoners in slave houses. The slaves from West Bay were all brought to Calatan. Me and my husband bought you, but you’re not really a slave. That's why we took your collar."

He hadn't even realized it was gone until she said something.

"We brought you here to Cardinal’s Brook, but where the lord lives. The actual town is that way-” She pointed like that would tell him anything. “He always liked living a bit away from the people, and it’s peaceful out here. You won’t be awoken by neighbors shouting or anything of the sort.”

She smiled, but he didn’t care about this new town or anything. His eyes were trying to close. “Can you put something…in water?”

“Like what, dearie?”

“So I won't wake up again.”

“N-no. It’ll get better, Aspen. You don’t really want that.”

Yes, he did.

When he awoke again, unfortunately, it was because Sira was tugging on him.

“You have to come quickly. Get up!”


“Hurry! He doesn’t have much time left. Lan thinks he won’t make it for another hour.” Sira held Aspen up and guided him toward the door. “I thought we had more time, but Lord Mather is weakening.”

Why did he care if his new Master was dying? Wait, didn't she say he wasn't a slave? Had he imagined that? Why would the other two, who must have been his servants considering their dress, buy someone who used to be a pleasure slave for a man who probably couldn’t even get it up and was about to croak?

Sira had several inches on him and was much stronger, so she got him down the hall while he struggled to make his legs work properly. They passed a portrait of some black-haired boy and entered a room that was all done in soft blues, beige, and a little green. Everything was quite fine, and the bedroom was probably the same, although it was a bit dark.

Candles flickered on a few surfaces, and Lan, the big fairy, was on the opposite side of the bed. Aspen squinted against the dark and noticed a jewelry box on the chest of drawers with gold swirls painted on the front. What caught his attention more than the glint was the thin body under the blankets on the bed.

“Lord Mather, he’s back,” said Sira. “Your son has returned.”

Aspen was pushed to sit on the edge of the bed. He couldn’t help his fear even though the skinny man had to be nearly sixty, and his eyes had a whitish film, although the pink of his pupils was just noticeable.

“Philre?” The old man reached for his arm as his lips trembled. “Son. You came back. I knew you would.”

Sira took Aspen’s shoulders and whispered in his ear. “Say you love him.”

“I-I-” Why would he? He didn’t know this man, and he wanted to go back to bed.

“Do it. Call him Father.”

“I-I love you, Father," Aspen managed to get out.

The old man’s eyes filled with tears. “I love you too, son. I’m sorry for everything. I just wanted to see you…one last time. I’m not mad. I shouldn’t have…”

“I’m not mad,” said Aspen, struggling for something to say as he let the man take his hand. Despite the fog in his head, the pieces fell into place.

“This is all I wanted-to see you again.” Lord Mather sounded like he was having trouble catching his breath. “You’re everything.”