Page 136 of A Touch of Savagery

Roth was set in a chair. He tried to jerk himself forward, but they both held him in place while rope was wound around his torso and the back of the chair. Oriel made a satisfied noise as he did the knots.

Aspen fiddled with his red hair. “What a pretty kitty. Do you like toys, kitty?”

Roth grunted when he felt a sharp shock on his nipple. When the hell had they gotten a charged lightning channeler?

“When I ask you a question, you better answer me,” said Aspen, and the tip touched Roth’s nipple again although it didn’t shock him. He still tensed and tried to press himself into the back of the chair. “Well?”

“No, I don’t like toys.” Roth’s ear cocked at the sound of footsteps. Oriel must have been going to the bedroom to get something else to torment him with.

Aspen sighed. “Too bad. I do.”

“Ow! Fuck!” Roth jumped at the shock.

“Hurry up,” called Aspen.

“I’m getting it,” Oriel said from the bedroom.

Aspen ran the cool metal tip of the channeler down Roth’s chest, and he stiffened the lower it went. “Maybe I should see how you act if I use this on your balls.”

Roth pulled at the ropes. “Please…no.”

“Come on. Open your knees a bit.”

“You tied my ankles," Roth said in a snarky tone that he regretted when the channeler shocked his nipple.

“You could spread them a bit.”

Roth’s left ear twitched as he heard something metallic when Oriel came in again. Aspen gripped the back of his hair and slipped the channeler between his legs. “Hold still.”

Roth flattened his ears as he heard the noise again. “No, no, no! I’m not-”

“Hold still or I’ll shock your dick instead of your nuts,” Aspen said.

Cool leather went around Roth’s neck, and he tried to pull his head away, but Aspen tightened his grip. A warning jolt went through his dick and made him squeak.

“Get that off!”

Aspen giggled as Oriel buckled it, and the bell jingled. “Be a good kitty.”

“You look nice with your new pink collar.”

For a moment, Roth was almost speechless.

"I'm not wearing this!" he snarled.

"It sure looks like you're wearing it." Oriel poked the bell to make it go tink tink. “You can listen to that while I pound your hole.”

“See if you can make it jingle a tune while you're fucking him," said Aspen.

Oriel laughed, and Roth’s face grew hot as Aspen fiddled with the bell. “Take that off right now, and let me go.”

“Be a good kitty." Aspen grasped his cock and started stroking it.

The channeler was used on Roth’s other nipple, and he felt something brush his arm. He was pretty sure it was the braided leather whip they owned, and while it was short, it packed a sting.

“Do you want to feel this on your bare ass?” Oriel looped it around his throat. “You’re not in control anymore. Whores that wiggle their ass around deserve to get their holes raped.”

“I wasn’t-” Roth cut off as it tightened, and the channeler brushed his lower stomach.