Page 134 of A Touch of Savagery

The past months hadn’t been easy for them. On some days, Oriel didn’t feel like faking a smile for people who didn’t really care that much about him.

They picked a good spot and tethered the horses out in the grass before they headed back to the sandy area. Oriel fell back a step as he loosened the laces on his sleeves, undid his belt, and removed his cloak clasp.

Roth and Aspen paused slightly ahead as they seemed to be looking at the water. Oriel let his cloak drop and already had his shirt buttons undone before he spoke.

“Last one in is a rotten egg.”

Aspen turned to find him already half-naked, and his mouth dropped. “You’re cheating again!”

“Did you think I wouldn’t?!”

Aspen and Roth were still trying to get off their clothes when Oriel ran butt naked for the water.

“His ass is still pale enough to be seen in the East Forest Kingdom,” he heard Aspen say. “Kalen and Rhys are probably blinded by now!”

Oriel snorted as he made it into the water and went out until it reached his shoulders. He reached to scratch behind his shoulder, and his fingers brushed one of the burns. Sometimes, he could almost forget the brands even though he knew they were there, and the other two would always see them. They’d never fade at this point.

Aspen barely beat Roth to get in the water, and he turned to splash the cat fairy. “Are you going to hiss when your tail gets wet, kitty?”

“This kitty likes water,” Roth said in a lofty tone.

The scarring from the burn on his stomach had faded slightly, but the skin wasn’t quite the same. Aspen still had dark shadows under his eyes that hadn’t been there before that night, and he was a little thinner than what was normal for him.

The past showed in various ways on them, but Oriel shoved it back. Today was for making better memories, and they deserved it after last year.

“You’re both rotten eggs.” He splashed at them both.

Aspen cracked a smile as he headed for Oriel. “Maybe, but you get to be my royal steed again.” He looped his arms around Oriel’s shoulder and slung his legs around his waist. “Come on, Roth. Free piggyback rides.”

“Wait,wait-you can’t ride a horse from the front! Hey! Come on!”

They had a few moments of readjusting legs and arms while Roth held onto Oriel, and Aspen was against his back.

“I’ve never gotten a piggyfront ride,” said Roth.

“Get moving,” said Aspen. “You have to carry us since you cheated.”

“You’re just sour at being rotten eggs,” said Oriel.

“You loosened your clothes before you said anything. Cheater.”

Roth put on a convincing pout. “You didn’t even give us a chance.”

Oriel couldn’t help but laugh as he started walking along the sandy bottom. Thankfully, both were much lighter in the water, and the ocean was calm today. Aspen leaned his head on his shoulder just like before, and Roth lifted a hand to smooth back his wet hair. Aspen let out a little pleased sigh against Oriel’s shoulder.

For a moment, Oriel paused in the water just to relish being surrounded by the touch of the two men he loved

Roth’s Present is on the next page.


Roth’s Present

Roth barely had time to wonder why the bedroom was dark before he was pushed into the wall, and something was pulled over his head. Their grip on his wrists was too tight, and real fear rose in his gut as a third hand grabbed his neck.

“Let go of me!”

“No one’s going to hear you scream.”